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2013-08-07 13:52     作者 :    



  The bar chart compares the proportion of employees of both genders employed in executive positions in ACNE Oil Company within a one-year period between July 1993 and June 1994.
  As can be seen from the chart, the percentage of male employees generally increased with the rise of the job categories from Grade E to Grade A while the opposite was true with that of women.
  Grade A, which was reported as the highest position, was a male dominated one in which only one-tenth of the staff were female while male employees accounted for the rest.
  When it comes to Grade B and C, men also took up over half of the employees, accounting for 80% and 60%, which are 50% and 10% higher than that of women respectively.
  However, the situation in the other two jobs categories, which were relatively lower in rank, was totally reversed, with women taking up relatively larger proportion. Men constituted roughly 40% in Grade D, 20% less than that if women and most of the working staff in Grade E were women (over 70%) , twice the percentage of men.
  To sum up, on the rank ladder of ACME Oil Company, male employees took up a higher and higher proportion than the weaker sex as it gradually went up to the peak -------- Grade A.
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