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雅思写作Task 1中动态图写作范文

2016-02-25 13:58     作者 : 新航道    


  雅思写作Task 1中的动态图要怎么写呢?小编整理雅思写作Task 1中动态图写作范文,一起来看看吧!


  The chart shows the number of people living in cities in three continents over three time periods as a percentage of the overall population.

  In 1950, 30% of the humanities were urban residents across the world.Compared to this, both Asia and Africa had fewer city-dwellers than the world average; Asia failing to reach 20% ,with Africa not far behind it. In Latin America and the Caribbean, meanwhile, 40% of the population lived in cities. This general trend continues over the years.

  In 2000,urban migration increased worldwide, with almost 50% of the world’s population living in cities. Following the general pattern outlined above,around 40% of the Asians and Africans lived in cities, while Latin America and the Caribbean outstripped the world average by a clear 20%-nearly 70% of their population had moved to cities.

  By 2030, city-living will be the norm for 60% of the humanities. Africa and Asia will finally tip over the 50% mark, with marginally more Asians living in cities than their African counterparts. On the other hand, nearly 80% of people in Latin America and the Caribbean will have moved to urban areas by 2030.



  1950年,30%的世界人口是城镇居民。与此相比,亚洲和非洲的城镇人口要少一些,亚洲略低于20%,非洲更少一些。然而,在拉丁美洲和加勒比地区,40%的人口居住在城市里。这一特征一直保持不变。 2000年,城市移民在世界范围内增长,其结果就是世界上将近50%的人口居住在城市里。与1950年的总体特征相似,亚洲和非洲大约40%的人口住在城市里,而拉美和加勒比地区则明显超过世界平均水平20%—有将近70%的人口移居到城市。 到2030年,对60%的人来说,居住在城市将会成为普遍的选择。非洲和亚洲将最终超过50%的分水岭,其中住在城市的亚洲人口比非洲人口稍多一点。另一方面,在拉美和加勒比地区,到2030年,接近80%的人将会搬到城市居住。

  以上是雅思写作Task 1中动态图写作范文,更多雅思写作信息可以关注新航道雅思频道。

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