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2020-03-13 21:44     作者 :    


本期推送,笔者仅以一篇学生示范文章为样本,为读者演示写作核心技巧之一:Task 2 信息流速的控制。

PS: 黑色字体(包括标记删除线部分)为学生文稿,红色字体以及彩色高光处为笔者修改文稿。


Task 2」

In the modern world, it is no longer necessary to use animals for food(此处可以反驳) or use animal products, for instance, clothing(此处可以同意) and medicines(此处可以反驳).

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Brainstorming ideas of the student:

Standpoint: disagree == 人们需要吃动物/使用动物制品

TS1: 动物食物给人提供全面的营养和能量

TS2: 动物产品也是必要的

TS3: 科技的发展,很多东西可以采用人工材料代替,但是仍然存在一些无法代替的情况。

PS: 题干中中文部分为笔者顺着学生思考的维度进行的标示。


Admittedly, the contemporary society provides people for with more substitution用词抽象,建议替换为alternatives of eating animals and animal products 这里的搭配意思有些奇怪。哎呀,其实你就是想说“现代社会物质条件富足了,有人觉得人类不需要再牺牲动物去怎样怎样了呗?”那么本句可变为:The modern society is characteristic of material abundance. 注意此处抽象名词的选用将你本段句话的主谓结构都给囊括了进来,并且同时也不妨碍它可以被很好的理解,因为它属于较好理解的一种抽象概念,这就叫“加快信息流速”,不要废话尤其是在文章的介绍段之中, however 只是adv. 不能连接两个句子,因此,前面的逗号改成分号或者句号, animals are still indispensable in those fields.Naturally, some suggest that eating animals or using them to produce clothes and medicines should be prohibited, with which I can hardly agree. 如果词汇能支撑的话,那么就适当挑高词汇,做Lexical Resources方向上的得分:如“做衣服制药品”就可以变为— use animals in manufacturing and pharmaceutical industries.

1. The substitution of A for B 用A代替B = 固搭不许只用一部分,要用全用对。建议回去掌握replace & substitute的对应固搭用法。

2. 反正就记着一句话,开局不瞎逼逼,一句话切题,快速进正文讲重点。


Employing 词义太正式了,employ后一般利用资源或者是有形的设备技术等,换成Using animalsas food in the kitchen is essential for 固搭需加强,for后面要接事物基本不会接人。所以后面添置了人类的“健康”一概念 human beings’ physical wellness.The animals’ meat基础要巩固,meat是什么鬼!The flesh of animals, which contains ample fat and various nutrients, provides people with 固搭需加强,provide sb. with sth.enough energy to maintain daily activities. 仅在一句话内主谓一致的问题就出现两处错误,这就算不得slips啦,即使有容错率也看不下去了 Meanwhile, the abundant nutritional elements such as vitamin A and D [the meat stored s] 我的妈呀又来一次 allows humans to develop their brains and bones strengthen their physique and give a boost to their intellect 某些相关主题的词伙固搭也需要加强,否则行文索然无味. As technology develops advances at a rapid pace 学会用修饰性成分如定语结构和状语结构来暗示行文的立场,该让步时让步,该反驳时反驳,立场鲜明there is a trend that artificial meat is developed, showing potential to willreplace animal to satisfy people’s need at a lower pricethe raw meat for lower price,However, those kind of the artefacts cannot contain all the nutrition nourishments, are simultaneously never free from an array of side effects, which may cause consumers’ malnutrition and even get their organs malfunctioning. 虽然这句话译在这里很中式,但是好歹也表达出了学生想说的意思 咦?话没说完吧,怎么戛然而止了,论证要充足否则TR要扣分。是不是其实还可想到一些further points: 其实动物可以吃(尤其是饲养的家禽),只要不残杀,不吃受保护的濒危野生动物就好了,自己写出这两句话这样动物保护主义者就不会喷你了。 As a matter of fact, … 后面的对应中文内容帮我续上。


Animal products, such as clothing and medicine, which own unique benefits, are irreplaceable.主题句不要出现特别多的插入现象,碎片化信息多了就会使得整个句子松垮垮,意即:句子内部的语流太缓慢了, which may render the readers bored. 并且,主题句不要只有一个irreplaceable, 词义太宽泛了。既然你后面提了毛皮制品可以抵御严寒,那你就索性加上一句:xx在生活方面也极大方便了人们Animal products also play an irreplaceable role in facilitating people’s life. For instance, only with the clothing made from wool or fur, can people 这样的倒装你跟谁学的?方位前置有倒装,条件前置,倒什么装?who live in severe cold region  (无效的定从阻碍了句子语流的顺畅,删除。还是强调一个信息流淌速度的问题,什么时候该顿笔缓缓,什么时候该加速流淌,心里要门清!) resist thechill bitterly cold climate, especially for those who dwell in frigid zones. 对比的手法用的很好,不错!但是我要改动一下  Though some of my opponents may argue that synthetic fiber may be useful function in most situationshowever, it cannot provide enough warmth for people who need is far overshadowed by the severe coldness, and the number of people who have genuine need is really small. 写到这儿,衣服这个意群算是结束了// As for medicine, Chinese medicine especially favors to use plants or animals, it is because those products will mostly be digested in stomach, which means it will do less harm to patients’ liver. 不要只描述事实,要根据事实进行论证呀!以后不准在文章里写啥中国不中国的,除非举例子部分  那么这个点就可改为:正是因为药学实验要求极高(需要进行活体试验), 而试验本身对人体的伤害又很大,因此,animal experiments seem to be unavoidable, at least in the short term. In return, 动物试验也有利于动物自身的长远发展(改善基因缺陷等等)。因此,这是一个互惠互利的事情。Despite other medicines like antibiotics can cure patients even in a more efficient way, the burden they will bring to liver cannot be neglected论证的时候,永远都是抓最核心的句子去写去铺,无关紧要或最后的升华性、结论性的句子都可以不要。逻辑链是完整闭合的,即可。毕竟雅思要求的字数也低。这句话就不要了,把我上面标红的两句写出来,字数就十分充盈了。

本段文字写的太academic,不IELTS style, 应该改为一种easily-understood 的语言风格,不要出现术语的解释和说明。要写的让我这种不懂医学的读者都能看得懂被说服才可。


As technology develops In a nutshell, with technologies progressing, it is reasonable that we use artificial products. The materials of artefacts are cheaper and the process of production is less time-consuming, the capacity of producer and money of purchasers are thus saved.(结论段要快,支持让步的理由就不写了)Nevertheless, although some substitutions options can successfully satisfy people’s need, there are also some unique benefits that only animals can bring. animals still need to be sacrificed for the sake of the greater blessing of mankind.



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