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首页 > 雅思 > 雅思资讯 > 雅思写作 > 雅思写作:又到了双十一剁手的时候


2020-10-21 11:43     作者 : 徐菁    


  这两天的微博、小红书等社交媒体, 打开就是铺面而来的李佳琦, 彷佛刚看到画面脑海中就浮现出了两个字:“买它!”

  是的, 双十一的不是当天, 而是21号零点, 相信大家都有好多要囤的东西, 护肤、美妆、零食、日用... 那我们为什么要熬夜抢购呢, 肯定是因为便宜呀! 看到各种1-2折起, 大家还能控制住自己的手嘛?



  1. 能使消费者享受到更好的生活条件, 如可以买到很多便宜的进口食品,使人们大饱口福.

  First and foremost, consumer goods’ low prices contribute to elevating the average living standard of people,which indicates that a sheer number of goods have become remarkably more available than years before.

  2. 使消费者有更好的工作条件,以有限的资金购买以前没法买到的商品, 如电脑。

  Thanks to the shapely descending prices, electronic products such as laptops, for instance, have succeeded in stepping into numerous individuals’ life.

      3. 除了对消费者来说, 对销售者而言, 薄利多销。具体而言, 削减价格, 提高销量, 便于消除存货. 在一些特殊情况下, 尤其是在遇到金融危机的背景下, 显得尤其重要.

  Besides, low prices enable manufacturers to reduce stocks, which seems to be significant particularly under the circumstance of the catastrophic Financial Crises.

  那便宜的东西就没有一点坏处嘛? 李佳琦提醒消费者要适度消费, 这就宛如烟盒上写的吸烟有害健康一样, 没有一点说服力. 下面就来看看有可能的一些缺点吧。

  1. 商家恶性降价破坏竞争秩序。

  there is evidence, undoubtedly, that consumer goods’ low selling prices do give rise to the unfair competition in market.

  2. 与此同时,价格下降之后很多商家为了牟利不得不偷工减料, 使消费者利益受损.

  In order to generate more profits to breed the employers and maintaincompany’s development, consumer goods producers embark on applying inferior materials to the production,regardless of the consumers’ health and well-being. Substandard products fill in the market. consequently, no one benefits but the whole society should pay for the huge cost

  讲了这么多便宜商品的好处和坏处, 那我们来实战演练一下吧!

       Nowadays people live in the society where consumer goods are cheaper to buy. Do you think its advantages outweigh its disadvantages?


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