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雅思小作文(67) | 柱图3:看似柱图,其实线图!

2021-12-03 15:44     作者 :    



  * 数据图:【柱图】




  # Introduction

  Shown in the chart are a particular store’s annual numbers of rentals and sales of films in three formats. And the investigated period spans from 2002 to 2011.

  * 本段第1句是倒装现象。这个倒装句型可以当成套话记住和使用。Shown in the xxxx are/is xxxxxxx.

  * 第二句话的写作方式在之前的范文中也经常出现。就是把年份或者地点拿出来写成单独一句。

  * 对于图形的总述,如果在开头没有就在结尾必须有。

  # Body

  Firstly, there was an obvious slide in the number of rentals– from approximately 185,000 to barely 60,000 over the year. Secondly, following a different trend, DVD sales had a surge and reached over 170,000 copies in 2004. In that year, DVD sales for the first time overtook / exceeded the number of rentals. During thesubsequent years, increasing numbers of DVD copies were sold, and the peak of sales – 215,000 copies – occurred in 2007. Thereafter, the salesslid gradually to 170,000 copies. However, DVD remained most popular / the most popular format.

  * 既然是线图,就是线图的写法。

  * 但是别忘记对图中的信息进行分组。主体部分的第1段是两条贯穿了整个period的线。

  * 下一段是两条“没有贯穿全时段”的线。

  VHSdisappeared in the store in 2006, and the four years before 2006witnessed itsplummeting sales from over 80,000 to 10,000 copies. By marked contrast, it was not until the year of 2007 that Blu-ray films were sold in that store, and in that year, the sales were merely a few thousands. After that, there was a slow growth to roughly 15,000 copies.

  * 这一段尤其值得注意。

  * “没有贯穿全时段”的线怎么写。

  * 尤其是在写Blu-ray时的强调(时间状语)句。

  # Conclusion

  Overall, the situation varied enormously from kind to kind / from one kind to another.

  * 对于图形的总述,如果在开头没有就在结尾必须有。

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