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首页 > 雅思 > 雅思资讯 > 雅思写作 > 支招雅思小作文(77) | 1.7 地图4:访客视角,看CBD的发展

支招雅思小作文(77) | 1.7 地图4:访客视角,看CBD的发展

2022-01-10 09:36     作者 :    




【细分】改建(最近几年的地图题的唯1 考核类型)







# Introduction

Depicted in the given pair of maps is the development plan of the town center of Islip. Overall, the town center will become a flourishing district.

* 注意:



# Body(访客视角)

A visitor entering the area from the west will immediately see a dual carriageway loop that contains most facilities in it as the first development. Going into the circle, the visitor will no longer find the main road but a pavement instead and will on the right-hand side find those shops remain where they are. 接下来,遇上格局混乱的地方,用模糊写法(也就是不需要写那么细致清楚,写出大概即可) South of those shops, the current housing area will have new houses as additions, and the park will be reduced but its location will not be changed. Also, as the ring road will be built, the school and far residential area will be outside the loop.

* 老章提醒:建筑物等设施的说法值得注意,都是简单易懂的小词,但是对写地图题是重要的。

因为是访客视角,所以方位上可以写成“左手边,右手边”。On the left-hand side of the pedestrian walk, shops will be replaced with a number of facilities — a new car park and a new bus station, as well as a shopping center in between.依然是“模糊写法”(不需要写那么细致清楚,写出大概即可。在建筑物没有尤其突出的特点的时候,不用过分纠结建筑物的占地大小之类的方面。) At the end of this pavement, a path will be developed to connect the new housing to the ring road, making the new residential area accessible from the road.

* 老章提醒:小作文的内容,不需要让考官看着文字能够出图,而是文字描述符合图的情况。所以,繁琐复杂的部分应该学会和采用“模糊写法”。

# Conclusion

n light of all the changes, the town center will look tremendously different in the future. 

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