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支招小作文(83) | 流程图5,水电站发电

2022-03-11 13:30     作者 :    





  * 当然是要注意红色加粗出来的词汇和表达。去查、去记、去用。

  * 还要注意句子之间是什么样的联系,是怎么建立这些联系的。


  The diagram is an illustration of a how a power plant uses hydraulic power to produce electricity. Overall, the process is not complex.

  * 第 一句介绍图表的主题是肯定要的。

  * 第二句总述图表特征。在总述流程图时,就说图中的流程是复杂还是简单(可能复杂可能简单,要先看清楚,不要以为图中东西密集就一定是复杂)。


  During the daytime, the intake point at the bottom of the dam is opened so that the river water, which is held in the high-level reservoir, flows through the aqueduct and rushes to the reversible turbines. As a result, the turbines spin to drive the generator at the power station. With the generator operating, electric power is produced, which is transmitted via the power lines to the national grid. The water meanwhile goes to the low-level reservoir and is stored.

  * 先一段写“白天/日间”的情况。

  * 流程图的写作内容并不难,只要符合图中的“步骤先后”顺序写作即可,几乎不需要加工。

  * 句子之间的衔接(注意黄色高亮的部分),单个句子的语法(注意有下划线的部分),尤其动词和名词(注意红色加粗的部分)是特别需要关注的。

  During the nighttime, water in the low-level reservoir is pumped back by the reversible turbines and goes back to the high-level reservoir through the daytime route. The intake point is then closed at night to stop the water in the reservoir and opens the next morning.

  * 再一段写“夜间”的情况。

  * 夜间的情况简单许多。


  In brief, a hydroelectric power station works in a simple way that has only a few steps, and water goes in a circle in this facility.

  * 结尾段落就是“浓缩”一下主体部分所说的情况。这就是“总结”。

  * 小作文不要洋洋洒洒写太多词。控制在180词以内(本篇175词)是老章一贯的原则。

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