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支招雅思小作文(86) | 饼图5 语言多样性

2022-03-31 17:36     作者 :    



* 饼图,选自《剑桥雅思真题集11》



通过找异同(similarities and differences)确定分组(groups):

1)有一部分人是English monolingual。他们单独一组。

2)另一组是being able to speak at least one foreign language是绝 对主流(the overwhelming majority / dominant part)。绝 对主流这一组的内部,还有主流(Spanish-English bilinguals),同时,其它bilinguals或者trilingual speakers的百分比在一个区间内(in the range of 10% to 20%)。


Shown in the pair of charts is the linguistic diversity of British students at one university in England, and the statistics/data are from two separate years – 2000 and 2010. Overall, there was a noticeable change in each language group except the German one.

* 第1句的句子开头的倒装,可以当成套话用。

* 第1句的句子末尾同位语。


In both years, students who are able to speak at least one foreign language were the overwhelming majority, and English monolingual speakers accounted for 10% and 20% respectively in those two years.

* 这一部分English monolingual的人,他们单独一组,那就干脆单独一个段落。

Among the bilinguals and trilingual students, being able to speak Spanish was the mainstream. In 2000, 30% of the students were Spanish-English bilinguals, and ten year later, their proportion increased to 35%. Secondly, French-English bilinguals, whose proportion was 15% in 2000, had a slightly decreased percentage (10%) in 2010, and German-English dual-language speakers remained 10% of all students. It is also worth noting that other bilinguals and trilingual students became proportionally more in 2010, accounting for 20% and 15% respectively.

* 第1句话中,高亮标出的部分值得注意。不仅仅是用词,更重要的是避免了机械陈述数据本身,而是把数据情况解读为“mainstream”,超越了僵硬的数字表达。

* 在陈述数据的时候,要特别注意句型、词汇的变化,不要趋同。


In general, the difference between the two years is apparent.

* 小作文不要洋洋洒洒写太多。控制在180 words以内(本篇共计165 words)是老章一贯的原则。

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