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2024-06-06 10:28     作者 :    



  Writing Task 1

  The chart below shows the results of a survey about what 150 young people would like to do in their free time after school.

  Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


  The provided bar chart illustrates the results of a survey conducted on 150 young individuals regarding their preferred activities during their leisure time after school. The survey divides these activities into five distinct categories and presents the percentage of students interested in each.

  To begin with, the largest percentage of students, 35%, expressed their interest in playing sports, making it the most popular activity among the group surveyed. In contrast, only 15% of the students indicated a preference for musical activities.

  The second most popular category is Hanging out with friends, with 25% of the students choosing this option. This is followed by Doing Homework, which was selected by 20% of the young people. The remaining 5% were undecided about their preferred activity.

  In summary, playing sports is the most favoured activity among the students, while musical activities are the least popular. A significant portion of the students also enjoys spending time with friends and doing homework.

  Writing Task 2

  Some people think that children should start school at a very early age, while others believe that they should not begin school until they are older. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


  There is much debate about the age at which children should begin their formal education. While some are of the opinion that early schooling has numerous benefits, others argue that children should be allowed to mature before starting school.

  Those in favour of early childhood education believe that it provides a strong foundation for learning. They argue that young minds are highly receptive, and exposing them to a structured learning environment at an early age can enhance their cognitive development. Furthermore, proponents of this viewpoint suggest that early starters have a higher chance of achieving academic success later in life.

  On the other hand, opponents of early schooling contend that children need time to develop socially, emotionally, and physically before they are ready to learn in a formal setting. They argue that pressuring young children into an academic environment can lead to stress and burnout, potentially harming their love for learning. Moreover, these critics assert that the early years of a child's life should be spent exploring and playing, as these activities are crucial for their overall development.

  In my opinion, a balanced approach is necessary. Starting school too early can indeed be detrimental to a child's development, but waiting too long may result in missed opportunities for learning. It is essential to consider the individual needs and readiness of each child. Parents and educators should work together to ensure that children are given the best possible start in their educational journey, taking into account their unique circumstances and developmental stages.


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