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雅思写作范文:style of new buildings

2012-11-19 16:08     作者 :    



    在备考雅思写作时,总免不了参考雅思写作范文,因为雅思写作经典范围之所以能够获得高分,往往在结构、句型/词汇搭配上都有很多可取之处,下面就是为大家整理的雅思写作范文:style of new buildings,供备考中的考生们参考练习。

  Task 2: The government is responsible for protecting a nation’s cultural identity. Thus, some people believe new buildings should be built in traditional styles. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

  We all know that China’s history is a long and complex one which stretches over thousands of years. With such a long and varied history, it’s hard to accurately define our ‘cultural identity’. For example, in the Tang Dynasty, many people thought that fat women were the most beautiful, but now things are different, and most people think that slim girls are prettier. The same is true for building designs; some things that were desirable in the past are no longer popular.

  I think that, as a country, we have a responsibility to preserve a piece of our past, but that doesn’t mean that we have to live in the past. Just because my relatives were farmers, doesn’t mean that every future generation has to live in a farmhouse, or even in a house that looks like a farmhouse.

  Many modern buildings are safer than old buildings, because we have learned how to make stronger buildings that will last longer. I think that modern buildings that incorporate a subtle traditional style into their design are beautiful, but it’s also good for buildings to have a wild, modern, Chinese flavor. Each period of Chinese history is a little different, so we should leave room for new expression.

  In the future, today’s newest designs may well become traditional. Keeping this fact in mind, I agree that some buildings should be built in traditional styles; however, we should also allow young Chinese architects to weave the essence of the current era into their building designs. The government is not only responsible for protecting a nation’s cultural identity; it also has a responsibility to allow for continued growth.

  以上就是这篇关于style of new buildings雅思写作范文,可以看出这篇雅思写作经典范文采用的是分总文章结构,同时长短句的搭配是值得借鉴的,同时一些小词组和词汇都用的很灵活和有深度。


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