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2013-08-30 13:26     作者 :    


Frequent flyers will know only too well how rigorous airport security checks can be.


So it is all the more shocking that a runaway schoolboy managed to evade them entirely – and fly to Italy with no passport or boarding pass.


Liam Corcoran, 11, slipped away from his mother, caught a bus to the airport three miles away and boarded a plane bound for Rome without anyone questioning what he was doing.

11岁的Liam Corcoran 逃离母亲的看管,乘了辆巴士就去了三公里外的机场。在机场没有人对他进行任何询问,他就顺利登上了去往罗马的飞机。

It was only when he began boasting that he had run away from home as the plane cruised over France that other passengers alerted cabin crew.




As well as causing several hours of panic for Liam’s mother Mary, 29, the astonishing breach of security at Manchester Airport just before the start of the Olympics raised urgent questions about Britain’s border protection.


Yesterday Liam’s father, Aaron Fort, 34, spoke of his disbelief that no one at the airport had questioned what an unaccompanied child was doing there.

昨天Liam的父亲,34岁的Aaron Fort 公开表示,一个无人照管的孩子能在机场随意行动,这样的机场实在令人难以置信。

He revealed that Liam – described as ‘a handful’ who has run away in the past – had never been on a plane before and does not own a passport.




Mr Fort said: ‘Liam told me the first time he knew he was in a bit of trouble is when the plane started to rise off the ground. He just did what the stewardesses told him and sat in his seat with his belt on.’


In total, Liam escaped five checks: security staff should have checked his boarding pass before screening, Jet2 staff should have taken his boarding pass and checked his passport at the gate, flight crew in the cabin should have checked his boarding pass stub, and a passenger headcount should have been carried out before take-off.


Earlier this month police criticised security at Manchester Airport after an armed robbery suspect being flown back to the UK for questioning escaped through a luggage chute.


以上就是新航道雅思频道为大家整理的雅思阅读材料之英国11岁男孩无护照无机票搭机出国,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道雅思阅读频道 http://www.xhd.cn/ielts/yuedu/

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