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2013-08-30 13:28     作者 :    


LONDON, July 29 (Reuters) - A woman who gatecrashed India's parade at the Olympic opening ceremony was a member of the cast from the extravaganza but should not have been with the athletes, London 2012 chief Sebastian Coe said on Sunday.


Indian officials were incensed by her unauthorised presence alongside flag-bearing wrestler Sushil Kumar on Friday, wearing red and blue in complete contrast to female members of the contingent who were sporting yellow saris and blue blazers.


"She made it into the opening ceremony. She obviously should not have been there," Coe told a news conference.


"I can now confirm that she was a cast member. She was slightly over excited." The apparent lack of security angered the Indian Olympic Association.


"How did they allow her in? It was a security lapse. Nobody knows who she was. She looks like an Indian," IOA vice president Tarlochan Singh told Reuters.


"She walked along in the front line. Her dress was totally different. She was not wearing an identity card. This should have been noticed at an earlier stage, but nobody bothered."


The lavish opening ceremony, which included hundreds of cast members and was hailed around the world as a success, was watched by a packed 60,000-strong crowd in the Olympic stadium. Indian news websites said the woman was a postgraduate student from Bangalore.


Security concerns dogged the run up to the Games with the British government having to draft in thousands of troops to help guard Olympic venues after private contractor G4S said it could not supply enough staff.


"This was bizarre. We will ask for an apology," acting Indian chef de mission PKM Raja was quoted as saying by the Times of India newspaper.


"The Indian contingent was shown for just 10 seconds and to think this lady hogged all the limelight." 






印度时报报道,印度代表团团长表示:“这一事件在全世界面前侮辱了我们。” 图片上显示在周五一名身穿红色上衣、蓝裤子的女子走在印度代表团的旗手摔跤选手库玛的旁边,和代表团身穿纱丽服的印度女运动员形成鲜明的对比。


“她在那干什么,这是一个明显的侵犯。” 印度代表团团长拉吉表示:“我们正在和主办方沟通这一事件。我们根本不知道她是谁,也不知道她为什么会出现在那里。只有运动员和代表团的官员应该出现在那里。”






其实,这名闯入者不仅让印度方面感到愤怒,也让外界再次质疑这届奥运会主办方伦敦的安保能力。英国《独立报》 29日说,比赛开始前英国警方在纽卡斯尔以及伦敦圣詹姆斯公园再次查出并逮捕3名被安排担任奥运会安保人员的非法移民。英国内政部的消息证实,这次被发现 的“问题保安”并不是来自此前爆料安保人手不足的私人安保公司G4S,而是另一家公司。这让外界质疑,在奥运会安保的组织上,究竟还有多少漏洞要弥补。

以上就是新航道雅思频道为大家整理的雅思阅读材料之神秘红衣女子混入印度奥运代表团,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道雅思阅读频道 http://www.xhd.cn/ielts/yuedu/

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