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2013-09-02 14:05     作者 :    


A woman who was barred from running for a city council seat in Arizona because she doesn't speak English proficiently has appealed the judge's ruling to the state's highest court.


The case has brought national and international attention to the southern Arizona city of San Luis after the Mayor filed a court action asking for a determination on whether Alejandrina Cabrera has the English skills necessary to serve a four-year term on the council.

此前,圣路易斯市市长要求法庭确认市议员候选人Alejandrina Cabrera的英语能力是否能够让她胜任为期4年的议会工作,这让美国和世界其他国家的目光都聚焦到了亚利桑那州这个南部城市之上。

State law requires elected officials to know English, but Ms Cabrera's attorneys claim the law doesn't define proficiency in the language.


Ms Cabrera told the local newspaper that she needs to improve her command of English but said her language skills are adequate for serving the border city of San Luis, where Spanish is used as often as English.


Sociolinguistics expert William Eggington presented the court with results of three different tests he administered to Ms Cabrera. His report said Ms Cabrera's English skills did not meet the level of language proficiency needed to serve on the council.

社会语言学导师William Eggington对Cabrera女士做了三项不同测试,并向法院展示了测试结果。他的报告显示,Cabrera女士的英语水平无法达到胜任议会工作所需要的熟练程度。

Ms Cabrera's lawyers said the action against their client was politically motivated because of her previous efforts to remove the city's mayor Juan Carlos Escamilla from his seat.

而Cabrera女士的律师则表示,他们的行为有着政治动机,因为Cabrera女士此前曾想把市长Juan Carlos Escamilla推翻下去。

Interestingly, the mayor even admits that his mastery of the English language isn't perfect yet he still thinks that Ms Cabrera should be banned from the city council position.


'I feel I don't dominate a hundred percent, but I can still get by. I can write, read and understand it very well. But that's why I am not the expert and that's why I directed staff to look into it,' Mr Escamilla has previously said.

Escamilla市长曾说:“我感觉自己没有a hundred percent掌握英语,但还勉强过得去。读写方面我都会,也能很好地理解。所以说我不是导师,所以我让其他专业人员来研究此事。”



City Attorney Glenn Gimbut said it's not only required by law, but by the nature of the work and council activities.

市法律顾问Glenn Gimbut认为,官员需要英语过关不仅仅是因为法律上如此要求,更重要是出于他们工作和会议活动的性质。

'We are not a little ranch, we are a large community. We represent a lot and need to be prepared,' he told the Yuma Sun newspaper.


Lawyers for Ms Cabrera said they want the matter settled by Wednesday because election ballots will start being printed Thursday, but because of the Court's schedule, it may not happen until early next week.


以上就是新航道雅思频道为大家整理的雅思阅读材料之美国一女子被剥夺竞选市议员资格,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道雅思阅读频道 http://www.xhd.cn/ielts/yuedu/

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