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2013-09-04 12:03     作者 :    


Three German students are offering a gigolo service to female students which they claim could help their clients beat stress and improve their grades. The three students, from University of Mannheim in south-western Germany, are offering their services for free and claim they are champions of female sexual emancipation.


"We are focusing on female students in particular, because they generally come out badly after one-night stands," said Christopher, 21, to Der Spiegel."What's more, girls who just want to have some fun are often labelled as sluts."


The trio, who do not want their real names published and are identified by Der Spiegel as Christopher, Oskar and Markus, have plastered their university's campus with ads for their service.


They have dubbed their project Bib:Love - a play on the German word Bibliothek, meaning library - and their slogans promise "Good grades through Good Sex".


Although many of their fellow students greet the signs with roars of laughter, the men say they've already had lots of emails from students who want to find out more. They tell correspondents that regular exercise, like lovemaking, brings health benefits and helps with studying.


Female students who are drained and fatigued from evenings spent in the library are encouraged to send an email. Then one of the trio will meet with them. If the chemistry is right, the meeting ends in sex. But the men reserve the right to withdraw their service if their client's appearance is not promising.


Christopher, Oskar and Markus claim they have so far received 82 messages at the Bib:Love email account. Of these, they say, nine have resulted in bookings. They claim they have had five one-night stands through the service so far. Lisa, 23, was the first. Although she too prefers to be known via a pseudonym, she told Der Spiegel there was nothing negative to report.


However, Der Spiegel points out, despite their claims to be champions of female sexuality, the free brothel service they are offering is far from revolutionary. Christopher admitted to the paper that unusual sexual practices are not catered for.




奥斯卡称有许多学生想了解更多,他们3人已经收到许多咨询的电子邮件。奥斯卡表示:“许多学生考试期间面临很大压力,他们晚上出去,这导致他们的性生活很乱。” 因此,他们鼓励那些心情不好或学习压力大的女同学给他们发邮件,他们中的一人会与申 请者见面。如果双方满意,可能发生性关系。

以上就是新航道雅思频道为大家整理的雅思阅读材料之德国大学男生向女生提供性服务,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道雅思阅读频道 http://www.xhd.cn/ielts/yuedu/

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