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2013-09-06 12:56     作者 :    


 The mother who beat her three-year-old son while allegedly high on 'bath salts' was photographed running naked through the street - moments before police used a Taser to subdue her.

Pamela McCarthy, 35, went into cardiac arrest after the struggle with state troopers outside her apartment in Munnsville, New York on Tuesday. She later died in hospital.
The shocking photograph, taken by a neighbour, shows McCarthy running towards the child as he clings to his father in fear.
Neighbours had called police at 7.45 p.m. to say the woman was punching and choking her son, attacking neighbours and strangling one of her dogs.
The woman's boyfriend, Jason Williams, told WSYR he saw her running naked outside their apartment and ran to grab their son, who McCarthy had been beating and trying to strip.
In a recent spate of violent attacks across the country, alleged users of 'bath salts' have taken off their clothes, claiming the illegal synthetic drug causes them to burn up.
As state troopers responded to the scene, other neighbours called to report she was becoming increasingly violent.
Troopers said the woman growled at them as they approached her and claimed she tried to bite one of the officers.
When trooper Christopher Budlong tried to arrest McCarthy, she resisted. In an attempt to subdue her, he used his police-issued pepper spray, but to no effect.
He then deployed his Taser and was able to handcuff her. After she was taken into custody, she went into apparent cardiac arrest, police said. She was taken to hospital but later died.
Williams said she had a history of drug abuse but was stunned to see her behaviour.
An autopsy on McCarthy will be carried out on Wednesday to determine the cause of the death.
It is just the latest incident involving bath salts, an illegal synthetic drug believed to be behind a recent outbreak of horrifying attacks.
Bath salts, a synthetic amphetamine cocktail known as 'the new LSD', was the believed drug of choice for Rudy Eugene, who he chewed off homeless man Ronald Poppo's face in Miami last month.
A man in Louisiana, Carl Jacquneaux, was arrested when he bit off a piece of his neighbour's cheek, which a friend blamed on bath salts.
And just this week, a man in North Miami allegedly stripped and exposed himself to a three-year-old girl in a park while on the drug.
以上就是新航道雅思频道为大家整理的雅思阅读材料之美国又现“丧尸女”_裸奔街头狂殴幼子,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道雅思阅读频道 http://www.xhd.cn/ielts/yuedu/

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