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2013-09-12 13:07     作者 :    


The London Marathon is under way, with runners wearing black ribbons to remember the Boston bombings' victims.


Amid an increased police presence, thousands lined the streets to see the elite women set off from Blackheath.


A 30-second silence will be held at 09:57 BST, before the start of the mass race, for those killed and injured in two blasts in Monday's Boston race.


Hundreds of extra police officers - 40% more than last year - have been drafted in to reassure runners and spectators.


About half a million people will line the streets of the route, which starts at Blackheath in south-east London and finishes near Buckingham Palace, passing some of the city's most recognisable landmarks, including Tower Bridge and Big Ben.


Ch Supt Julia Pendry, who has headed marathon security for five years, has said this year's police operation is "about making sure that people who come to London on Sunday feel safe when they are in the city".

负责本次伦敦马拉松赛安保工作的Ch Supt Julia Pendry表示“今年的警力配备将会使周日来到伦敦的人感到安全”,此前她就负责该赛事的安保工作长达五年。

She said more search dogs would be deployed and urged marathon spectators to keep their belongings with them to avoid sparking security alerts. But she added: "There is no link between the Boston Marathon and the London Marathon and there is no change to the threat level at this time to London."


Virgin London Marathon has pledged to donate £2 for every runner that finishes Sunday's event to The One Fund Boston set up to raise money for victims of the explosions. The race organisers expect the total donation to be at least £70,000.


以上就是新航道雅思频道为大家整理的雅思阅读材料之伦敦马拉松赛如期举行,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道雅思阅读频道 http://www.xhd.cn/ielts/yuedu/

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