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首页 > 雅思 > 雅思资讯 > 雅思阅读 > 雅思阅读材料之主人去世英国两肥猫仅靠脂肪挨过一个月


2013-09-26 12:27     作者 :    


Left alone for over a month after the sad death of their owner, cats Roly Poly and Pudding never stood much of a chance.

主人突然去世后,Roly Poly和Pudding两只猫独自生存,一个多月都没有进食,本来它们根本没什么机会活下来。

Amazingly, though, the lucky pair survived the ordeal thanks to their vast bulk - the result of being massively overfed.


Police found the fat felines after reports of a smell coming from their elderly owner's home in Walsall, West Midlands.


Both cats were close to death, but had clung on despite having no access to food.


When officers found the pair they still tipped the scales at over nine kilos - more than twice the weight of a normal cat.


RSPCA inspectors believe the cats - aged around 18 months and three years - managed to stay alive because of their departed owner’s feeding habits, and could have been even heavier before they were discovered.


Now recovered from their trauma, the portly pussies have been christened Roly Poly and Pudding in homage to their waistlines.




The RSPCA is looking to rehome them, and believes their perfect parent would be a health-conscious fitness fanatic or calorie-counter.


Judith Haw, from the RSPCA, said: "We think the cats only survived because they were so fat, they were obviously much-loved by their owner - but perhaps a bit too much."


"Sadly before she went into hospital we think the lady didn’t have any relatives who could care for the cats and she didn’t have time to let anyone else know."


"The cats did not have access to any food and were using the house as a toilet, hence police being called when neighbours complained about the smell."


Judith said the cats - which are being cared for at Foxtwood cattery near Stoke - need a new home, preferably with someone into keep-fit.


She said: "We’d love to find the cats a personal trainer or perhaps someone who is on a diet so they can help the cats lose weight too."


以上就是新航道雅思频道为大家整理的雅思阅读材料之主人去世英国两肥猫仅靠脂肪挨过一个月,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道雅思阅读频道 http://www.xhd.cn/ielts/yuedu/

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