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2013-10-12 13:10     作者 :    


Burglars would beg, borrow or return to their defining habit and steal with a pair of Reebok Classics, researchers reckon.A university study has revealed footprints from the sports trainers are left behind at more than half of all crime scenes.


来自英国Leicester 大学的研究人员通过分析了北安普敦郡地区100起盗窃案后发现,其中有52起多达155名盗窃犯都穿的是Reebok Classics 鞋子。

Researchers also found that thieves from poorer areas were more likely to wear flashier footwear.



The cost of trainers worn by unemployed burglars was £67 on average, compared to an average of £48 worn by burglars with jobs.



It is hoped the University of Leicester's findings will help police to narrow their search while catching criminals.


警方希望Leicester 大学的这项研究能帮他们锁定嫌疑犯。

Researchers learned the Reebok Classic brand was worn by 52 out of 100 burglars in nearby Northamptonshire.



Dr John Bond, a University of Leicester Fellow who also heads Northamptonshire Police's forensic team, said it was not known whether the burglars had bought or stolen their trainers.


John Bond教授说,还不清楚这些盗贼穿的锐步是买的还是偷的。

He said researchers now hoped to interview some of the offenders to ask them why they wear the brand over rival sports makes.



以上就是新航道雅思频道为大家整理的雅思阅读材料之小偷都喜欢穿锐步鞋,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道雅思阅读频道 http://www.xhd.cn/ielts/yuedu/

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