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2014-01-20 15:37     作者 :    


The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and that certainly is the case for the son of the late Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin. The youngster is following in the dangerous footsteps of his dad and was seen feeding alligators at Australia Zoo. The eight-year-old was spotted getting close to the American alligators for a crowd of about 200 people at the Irwin family-owned zoo in Queensland.
俗话说,虎父无犬子。澳大利亚昆士兰州的一名年仅八岁的男孩,就继承了父亲冒险的职业——喂养美洲鳄。这名八岁的小男孩名叫Robert Irwin,他的父亲名叫Steve Irwin,是澳洲环保人士、电视节目主持人。最广为人知的节目就是与妻子一起主持的“鳄鱼拍档”然而,在2006年,他在大堡礁海域拍摄一部名为《海中最致命生物》的纪录片时,遭到鲼鱼(又称魔鬼鱼)有毒刺钩刺入胸部,在送医前就不治死亡。
As a baby his father was pictured feeding a crocodile while holding him in the other arm. Maybe as he grew up around the dangerous creatures, he has developed little fear for them. The Irwin family have always vowed to carry on Steve's work. Last year his 12-year-old daughter, Bindi, was promoting a new line of books in her Wildlife Adventures series. Speaking of her father, the young actress said: "We want to carry on in his footsteps, where he left off." Steve was killed in September 2006 after getting stung by a stingray while filming in Australia's Great Barrier Reef. He was setting up to shoot ocean reef footage at the time for a show that would include segments with Bindi. At his funeral, she delivered a speech in front of 5,000 people in a worldwide television broadcast watched by more than 300million viewers.
不过Steve的儿子继承了他的勇敢的性格。早在Robert未满周岁时,Robert就抱着他一起喂过鳄鱼。可能正是因为从小近距离的与这些猛兽们一起生活,才练就了他淡定的性格吧!Steve的女儿Bindi也继承了父亲的事业,她现在是一档名为《丛林女孩:Bindi》(Bindi the Jungle Girl)的节目主持人。
以上就是新航道雅思频道为大家整理的雅思阅读材料之8岁孩子继承父业“养鳄鱼”,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道雅思阅读频道 http://www.xhd.cn/ielts/yuedu/


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