雅思仅考查语言,与其它标准考试不同。这对于应试者意味着什么呢?这表明,雅思考试并不考查你的推理能力。出题者不会给你提供信息然后让你基于这些信息得出 结论。相反,他们给你提供信息并问你这些信息。基本上,他们都是让你重复刚刚给你的信息。答案就在你眼前......
“Research in Britain has shown that “green consumers” continue to flourish as a significant group amongst shoppers. This suggests that politicians who claim environmentalism is yesterday’s issue may be seriously misjudging the public mood.” Based upon this passage, you will never be asked a question like:“There has been a continued presence of “green consumers” in the British market because of …”
A. the rise of the Green party.
B. Concern with global warming
C. Fear of Mad Cow Disease
D. Concern with general state of environment
“Politicians may have “misjudged the public mood” because…”
A. they are pre-occupied with the recession and financial problems.
B. There is more widespread interest in the environmental agenda than they anticipated.
C. Consumer spending has increased significantly as a result of “green” pressure.
D. Shoppers are displeased with government policies on a range of issues.
对于此规律也会出现一些例外,我们也发现了一些。但至少现在我们弄清了自己的任务。我们的任务并非掌握或记忆面前的信息,而是了解出题者让我们寻找的信息是 什么。因为我们知道可以找得到所有的答案,下面我们要掌握的就是如何寻找了。如果我们的阅读的同时就知道要找什么,我们甚至可能在知道问题是什么之前就找 到答案。