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雅思考试素材:Environmental Protection

2020-05-13 14:09     作者 :    


  说到保护环境,应该是个global topic, 但是每个国家因为环保意识的建立先后,对于环保的可行措施的概念是不一样的。

  In China, the air pollution is the most significant issue. So the waste of factory should be boycotted to eliminate the fume emission.


  Air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution是中国学生最喜欢谈论的方面,这和我们平日所读到的新闻和报道有直接关系。

  但是近日,人们把方向转向了recycling,而不仅仅是减少pollution. 比如the use of plastics. Plastics causes many long-lasting environmental problems. 在英国,好几年前就有了“超市塑料袋收费,鼓励大家用环保袋”的想法。Why?

  There are lots of multipacks and minipacks in the supermarket. I buy the stuff in bulk now, like the biggest bottle of yoghurt. I can wash out the bottle and refill the soil for planting flowers.

  这种是典型的western culture会呈现的内容:可以选择不要购买,或者减少食品的优惠组合包装和迷你包装,选择食品的大型包装,并且重复使用包装。这是一种不用通过政府,个人就可以做到的“环保”措施。

  The-hand-me-down, pass-thing-on culture is important in the world of kids. There are lots of things that can be passed down, whether it’s toys or the equipment, or the high chair. There were toys and clothes from my older cousins, which saved me a lot of money and they were then passed on to my nephews and nieces.




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