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全球胜任:迷你“入侵者”Asian longhorned beetle

2020-06-03 14:15     作者 :    


    本期我们将揭晓Asian longhorned beetle的昆虫名称、特征以及入侵新土地的精彩过程。


  名片:光肩星天牛Asian longhorned beetle (ALB)

  Native habitat: 中国,朝鲜,台湾

  Mode of transit: 中国运船上的木质板条箱

  Invasive in: 纽约城(1996), 芝加哥(1998),奥地利(2001)

  Also found in: 加拿大,奥地利,法国,意大利

  Characteristics: 通过蛀洞和毁坏内部给阔叶树带来伤害 Damages hardwood trees by making holes and destroying the interior.[interior: The interior of something is the inside part of it.]


  Beetles often drop down from trees onto the tops of cars and trucks, and are thus transported and spread to new areas.Beetles会降落到车顶,然后被运送且散布到新的地区。Spread to new areas 中的spread,也可以用到virus上面,除了病毒、害虫以及一些会给环境、生命带来危害的事物,没有规律的分散作,都可以用spread.

  Although the beetles have moved slowly in the U.S., their effect is devastating.即使天牛在美国扩散得比较慢,但是这个影响是灾难性的。[Devastating:If you describe something as devastating, you are emphasizing that it is very harmful or damaging.也可以用destructive来形容灾难性的毁灭。]


  In one city, more than 15,000 infected trees were cut down to control the spread.[infected: An infected place is one where germs or bacteria are causing a disease to spread among people or animals.在这里,infected并不是指疾病的这种传染,而是被ALB蛀洞的、毁坏的树木]


  Destroying all beetles in an area is very expensive andtime consuming. [time consuming: x 消耗时间的。If you consume something, you eat or drink it.Consume是消耗的意思,可以搭配:time consuming, energy consuming, money consuming.]

  科学家们针对这种invasive species还在研究当中:如何彻底铲除ALB。

  Many scientists are trying to determine how to get rid of this invasive beetle and prevent its spread. [determine: If you determine something, you decide about it or settle it.例句:We must take into our own hands the determination of our future.]

  小伙伴们,所以目前对于ALB(光肩星天牛)的处理方式还没有给出,invasive species给人类带来的经济和环境损失非常之大,最尴尬的是,罪魁祸首就是人类自己。


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