“不想起床 不想洗脸 不想上班
伸个懒腰 生无可恋
好冷啊 好冷啊 好冷啊……
没有一点点防备 和小长假一起结束的 还有温暖的天气 一言不合就降温 小新赶紧翻出了 我压箱底的秋裤 怂了怂了~~~ “秋裤”用英语怎么说? ▲ long johns 秋衣秋裤 例如: If I were you, I'd get myself a pair of long johns if I wanted to survive the nights in Canada. 如果我是你,想要度过加拿大的冬天的话,我会为自己准备一件秋衣秋裤。 A good pair of long johns allows you to face the biting cold in relatively normal attire. 一条好的紧身秋裤让你可以用近乎正常的装束面对刺骨的寒冷。 秋冬穿搭常用的英文表达 ▲ sweater 毛衣,线衣 例如: My sweater shrank in the wash. 我的毛衣缩水了。 The red sweater is more comfortable for me. 这件红毛衣我穿起来更舒服。 ▲ hoodie 连帽衫, 卫衣 例如: She wore jeans and a hoodie. 她穿着牛仔裤和卫衣。 Our next focus was to offer a beautiful hoodie that could transition from a day on the plane straight to the bar at night. 我们的下一个目标是使卫衣更加美观,既可以白天在飞机上穿,也可以晚上去酒吧时穿。 ▲ leggings 打底裤 例如: She is wearing tight black leggings and a baggy green jersey. 她穿着黑色打底裤和宽大的绿色运动上衣。 He was dressed in woolen leggings. 他穿着羊毛打底裤。 ▲ woolen hat 毛线帽,羊毛帽 例如: He's wearing a woolen hat. 他戴着一顶羊毛帽。 The woolen hat is a match for the coat. 这顶羊毛帽正好配这件上衣。 ▲ overcoat 大衣,风衣 例如: He turned his overcoat collar up. 他把外套的衣领翻了起来。 When the weather is cold I put on an overcoat before going out of doors. 天冷时,我出门前都会穿上大衣。