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首页 > 雅思 > 雅思资讯 > 雅思综合 > GRE阅读真题:“墨西哥单弦乐器的起源”


2021-03-12 18:03     作者 : 张妍    


  GRE,全称Graduate Record Examination,中文名称为美国研究生入学考试,适用于除法律与商业外的各专业,由美国教育考试服务处(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)主办。



  Native American music is unique in the world in having almost no string instruments. <美洲土著人的音乐在世界上是的,因为他们几乎没有弦乐器。>The fretless, single-string violin of Mexico’s Seri Indians is therefore often remarked on in studies of Native American music. <因此,墨西哥塞里印第安人的无品单弦小提琴在美洲土著音乐研究中就经常被提及。>Most scholars assume that the Seri violin descended from the European violin. <大部分学者假设塞里的小提琴起源于欧洲小提琴。>The Spanish introduced a variety of string instruments to Mexico following the conquest (1519), and these subsequently spread widely in many forms. <在西班牙在1519年被征服后,西班牙人引入了各种各样的弦乐器到墨西哥,这些乐器随后以各种形式广泛传播。>However, Helen Roberts questions other scholars’ arguments that Mexican string instruments could not have preconquest origins simply because they are not mentioned by early Spanish sources and do not appear in indigenous Mexican illustrations. <然而,helen>Roberts argues that because of their low volume, string instruments would not have been used in loud group contexts such as those depicted in Mexican manuscripts.


  1.In the context in which it appears, “simply” most nearly meansA. artlesslyB. franklyC. ordinarilyD. slightlyE. just


  2.It can be inferred from the passage that the view held by most scholars regarding the origins of the Seri violin is based in part onA. differences between the Seri violin and European violinsB. the rarity of string instruments among Native American peoplesC. the fact that the Seri violin lacks frets and has only a single stringD. a resemblance between the Seri violin and Spanish string instruments of the sixteenth centuryE. the means by which string instruments spread in Mexico following the conquest


  3.The passage suggests that in Roberts’ view, the Seri violinA. may be represented in Mexican manuscripts that have yet to be foundB. was probably modeled on string instruments introduced to Mexico by the SpanishC. was not likely to have been in use prior to the Spanish conquest of MexicoD. was best suited for playing in relatively quiet settingsE. was probably capable of greater volume than most scholars have assumed

  根据题干信息可定位至文中最后两句话,Roberts认为由于弦乐器的音量很小,因此它们不会被用于像是墨西哥手稿中所描述的那种吵闹的团队背景下,因此这道题选D, 他认为这类乐器是适合于相对于安静的环境中。


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