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雅思口语Part 2:在邻居做出了这种行为后,我搬家了!

2022-06-27 14:22     作者 :    






最近,有同学问了我这样一道题,“Describe an interesting neighbor”。“interesting”可以分为good interesting和 bad interesting,今天就来聊一聊属于“bad interesting”类别里的我的前邻居的故事,她做了很多让人抓狂的事情,甚至有邻居为此而报警!到底发生了哪些故事,我们一起来聊一聊吧!



本期Part 2 话题

Describe an interesting neighbor

You should say: 

Who he/she is 

How you knew him/her 

What you do together 

And explain why he/ she is interesting


第九季 Episode 24



Being interesting could mean different things to people, and obviously there is good interesting and bad interesting. And one of my neighbors fell into the “bad interesting” category. 

I don’t remember when she moved in and what I do know is that she is a renter and comes home late at night around 9.30 PM. Supposedly, she is a lawyer, and I have seen her in the elevator but she has never said a single word to me other than giving me a hostile stare. The reason I know she comes home at 9.30 PM every day is because every time she opens her door, she will slam it really hard so the whole floor can hear her. Many neighbors have complained about her but nothing could be done legally since it is her home and there is no definition on what “loud” is.

Then things got worse. She started to bang on her door randomly throughout day with either her hand or some sort of bat, no one knows. And I also noticed that she would talk to herself from time to time. 

The other neighbors have called the police many times about her and the police did show up. But what the crazy woman did was to deny all the accusations and apparently, there was nothing the police could do either. So finally, I moved out and no longer had to deal with this “interesting” neighbor.

Words & expressions in this episode

1. hostile adj. 怀有敌意的;不利的

2. slam v. 砰地关上(门窗等);猛力打击;使劲一推

3. accusation n. 指责;控告;罪名

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