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雅思口语Part 2:三个月减掉13公斤的秘诀是这个!

2022-08-08 10:03     作者 :    


最近,有同学问了这样一道题“Describe something that surprised you”。这个话题让我想起了我之前减肥时的经历。几年前,我特别胖,而且经历了好几次减肥失败,正是这个时候,我听说了生酮饮食法,它的饮食特点是高脂肪、适量蛋白、低碳水化合物。跟大多数人认为的减肥就是“为了控制卡路里,少吃东西”完全相反。我抱着试一试的心态尝试了一下,结果令我十分惊喜!



本期Part 2 话题

Describe something that surprised you

You should say: 

What it is 

How you found out about it 

What you did 

And explain whether it made you happy


第九季 Episode 30



I think there have been many instances in which I had been surprised, but one of the most important and memorable ones was when I discovered something called the KETO diet or high-fat diet.

Basically, the story is that I was quite heavy four years ago and tried to lose weight. Most people think losing weight is about controlling calories and eating less. But the problem is that after 3 months of eating less, you become so hungry and you would start eating whatever junk you been eating before, and your weight will revert back to the same which is what I did. 

Then I discovered the high-fat diet which is quite surprising. Not to get too scientific here, KETO diet means you don’t starve yourself but eat the right food. For example, a bowl of rice and 3 pieces of beef has roughly the same calories but it makes your body behave completely differently. Rice is carbs which converts to sugar in your body quickly turn into fat and doesn’t keep you full for a long time. But beef has high fat and protein, which will do the exact opposite. 

So I tried the high-fat or KETO diet for 3 months and the result was amazing. I lost almost 13kg and never felt hungry. So I was quite happy with it not only because I lost weight, but also leaned a lot of knowledge about the human body.

Words & expressions in this episode

1. KETO ketogenic的缩写 adj. 生酮的;可转化为酮体的

2. revert v. 恢复;归还;回到

3. roughly adv. 粗略地;大致上;大体上

4. carb carbohydrate的简写 n. 碳水化合物;淀粉质食物

5. protein n. 蛋白质

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