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支招小作文(131) | 静态图 四个国家的发电方式

2023-02-24 09:22     作者 :    


The charts below show the source of electricity produced in four different countries in 2020. 

The pie charts illustrate the proportion of electricity generated in three different ways by four countries in a particular year. 
Overall, all the four countries were dependent on clean energy such as hydropower and nuclear energy, while fossil fuel was not widely applied in most of them. 
Hydropower was responsible for a major part of electricity generated in Finland and India. In Finland, a whopping 63% of electricity was produced in this way, which was slightly higher than that in India (50%). Fossil fuel was still accountable for the remaining 37% in this country while only a mere 5% was supplied by this source in India. Notably, people from India also made use of nuclear energy to supply 45% of their electricity, but Finlanders did not use this source at all in this process. 
Some different situations can be found in USA and France, where a greater part of electricity was yielded through the use of nuclear energy. It seems that France relied heavily on it, with 87% of electricity produced in this way. Nuclear was also a principal source for the USA (50%), and hydropower ranked the second (38%), almost tripling its proportion in France. French people depended totally on clean energy, while users from the USA still obtained 12% of electricity by burning fossil fuel. 

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