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2023-03-15 17:13     作者 :    


In some countries, too much money is spent by both the government and individuals on national festivals, such as New Year.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
• 从national festivals, such as New Year上可以看出来,观点可以与「文化」挂钩。
• 【立场】站「不同意」
• 注意点 1: 观点要同时覆盖政府和个人两方面
• 注意点 2: “过多的”开销,too much极端词,站「不同意」
• 注意点 3: 讨论是否存在这个现象,因此推导原因:即出于什么原因,有无过度开销,不能写这么做会带来什么利弊
1. Admittedly, both the government and individuals do allot certain revenues to celebrating national festivals.
* 总起句。
2. Religious and traditional activities, be they New Year's Gala or firework displays, are arranged by some nations and have long been a convention, even though the pandemics have impacted in recent years and required an enormous amount of expenditure.
* 政府层面:政府每年都会支出部分预算,举办各种传统风俗活动,哪怕是在近几年疫情影响下。
3. In this sense, some may assert that the money spent on national festivals should have been saved for the development of other fields more related to citizens’ basic survival.
* 政府层面:政府开销应该投于人民基础生活,在节日上的开销就显得“过多”。

4. Besides, such festivals are certainly regarded as times for celebration by individuals, who often take this as a good excuse to spend extra money on entertainment, especially when there are promotions or discount activities in shopping malls during festivals.
* 个人层面:特殊节日时期,商场会推出促销活动,而人们往往会以“节日特殊”为由,花费比平时更多。
1. 内容(Task Response)*** 特别重要 ***
2. 组织(Coherence and Cohesion)*** 尤其重要 ***
3. 词汇(Lexical Resource)
revenues 为不可数名词,意思是“收益,收入”。归类于“通用词”。
excuse 为可数名词,意思是“[辩解的]理由”。归类于“通用词”。
promotion 为可数名词,意思是“[产品的]促销,推销”。归类于“话题高频词”。
4. 语法(Grammatical Range and Accuracy)
第2句:主句为Religious and traditional activities are arranged… + even though 引导的让步状语从句; be they New Year's Gala or firework displays为省略引起的特殊倒装, 常规语序为 whether they are New Year's Gala or firework displays.
第4句:主句为 such festivals… by individuals + who 引导的定语从句 + when引导的时间状语从句
should do 为「平时状态」下“应该做”,should have done为「过去」应该做但是没有做。

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