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首页 > 留学研学 > 留学 > 2021秋季申请季开始,30所美国大学带着补充文书题目(上)


2020-07-08 17:04     作者 :    


  夏天来了,新的申请季也如期而至,申请美国本科 2021年秋季入学的你们准备好了吗?目前三大申请系统,已开放了2个,仅剩的Common App 也将在8月1日开放了。


  2020-2021 Coalition App (已开放)

  2020-2021 Universal College App (已开放)

  2020-2021 Common App (8月1日启动)


  要知道,除了 Common App 系统的文书题目,美国各大高校通常有自己的补充文书题目。

  而 Extra/Supplemental essay 是学校用来检验学生性格与学校整体氛围契合度的文书材料,对于申请也有着非常重要的意义!

  有的大学会要求申请人提供 2-3 篇补充文书,一轮申请季可能要写至少 20 篇文书,这个工作量让许多同学头大。已经有近30所大学公布了补充文书题目,再不准备,今年真的来不及了。想要更亮眼的文书,使自己从一众竞争者中脱颖而出?戳下图,专业老师给你定制专属留学方案~


  Babson College 巴布森学院


  Your moment has arrived. Share with us the moments or experiences that have led you to apply to Babson College.

Boston College波士顿学院


  1、Great art evokes a sense of wonder. It nourishes the mind and spirit. Is there a particular song, poem, speech, or novel from which you have drawn insight or inspiration?

  2、When you choose a college, you will join a new community of people who have different backgrounds, experiences, and stories. What is it about your background, your experiences, or your story, that will enrich Boston College’s community?

  3、Boston College strives to provide an undergraduate learning experience emphasizing the liberal arts, quality teaching, personal formation, and engagement of critical issues. If you had the opportunity to create your own college course, what enduring question or contemporary problem would you address and why?

  4、Jesuit education considers the liberal arts a pathway to intellectual growth and character formation. What beliefs and values inform your decisions and actions today, and how will Boston College assist you in becoming a person who thinks and acts for the common good?

  5、For Human-Centered Engineering major applicants only: One goal of a Jesuit education is to prepare students to serve the Common Good. Human-Centered Engineering at Boston College strives to develop people who will integrate technical knowledge, creativity, and a humanistic perspective to address societal challenges and opportunities. How would a Boston College engineering education enable you to contribute towards these goals?

Brown University 布朗大学


  1、Brown’s Open Curriculum allows students to explore broadly while also diving deeply into their academic pursuits. Tell us about an academic interest (or interests) that excites you, and how you might use the Open Curriculum to pursue it. (250 words)

  2、At Brown, you will learn as much from your peers outside the classroom as in academic spaces. How will you contribute to the Brown community? (250 words)

  3、Tell us about a place or community you call home. How has it shaped your perspective? (250 words)

Cornell University 康奈尔大学


  College of Agriculture and Life Sciences: Why are you drawn to studying the major you have selected?

  Please discuss how your interests and related experiences have influenced your choice. Specifically, how will an education from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) and Cornell University help you achieve your academic goals?

  College of Architecture, Art, and Planning: What is your "thing"? What energizes you or engages you so deeply that you lose track of time? Everyone has different passions, obsessions, quirks, inspirations. What are yours?

  College of Arts and Sciences: Students in Arts and Sciences embrace the opportunity to delve into multifaceted academic interests, embodying in 21st century terms Ezra Cornell’s “any person…any study” founding vision. Tell us about the areas of study you are excited to explore, and specifically why you wish to pursue them in our College.

  Cornell SC Johnson College of Business: What kind of a business student are you? The Cornell SC Johnson College of Business offers two distinct business programs, the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management and the School of Hotel Administration. Please describe how your interests and ambitions can be met through one or both of the Schools within the College.

  College of Engineering: Tell us about what excites you most about Cornell Engineering and/or studying engineering at Cornell University. How do you see yourself becoming a part of the Cornell Engineering community?

  College of Human Ecology: How has your decision to apply to the College of Human Ecology been influenced by your related experiences? How will your choice of major impact your goals and plans for the future?

  School of Industrial and Labor Relations: Using your personal, academic, or volunteer/work experiences, describe the topics or issues that you care about and why they are important to you. Your response should show us that your interests align with the ILR School.


Duke University 杜克大学


  Please share with us why you consider Duke a good match for you.  Is there something in particular about Duke’s academic or other offerings that attract you?


  1、Duke University seeks a talented, engaged student body that embodies the wide range of human experience; we believe that the diversity of our students makes our community stronger. If you’d like to share a perspective you bring or experiences you’ve had that would help us understand you better, perhaps a community you belong to or your family or cultural background, we encourage you to do so here. Real people are reading your application, and we want to do our best to understand and appreciate the real people applying to Duke.

  2、Duke’s commitment to diversity and inclusion includes sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. If you would like to share with us more about your identity, you can do so here, or use any previous essay prompt you feel is appropriate.

Georgetown University 乔治城大学

  1、Indicate any special talents or skills you possess.(250字内)

  2、Briefly discuss the significance to you of the school or summer activity in which you have been most involved. (半页纸,大约1000字符)

  3、As Georgetown is a diverse community, the Admissions Committee would like to know more about you in your own words. Please submit a brief essay, either personal or creative, which you feel best describes you. (一页纸)

  4、What does it mean to you to be educated? How might Georgetown College help you achieve this aim? (单行,一页纸,科学与数学或语言学的申请人需要陈述他们所选的专业)

  Johns Hopkins University 约翰霍普金斯大学

  Successful students at Johns Hopkins make the biggest impact by collaborating with others, including peers, mentors, and professors. Talk about a time, in or outside the classroom, when you worked with others and what you learned from the experience. (400字内)

  Trinity College 三一学院


  1、We live in an urban-global age with more than half of the planet’s people living in cities.

  Trinity College is an urban liberal arts college deeply engaged with the local community and committed to making an impact across the world.  How do you aspire to use your education to impact local and global communities?

  2、Our mission states:  “Engage. Connect. Transform. As the preeminent liberal arts college in an urban setting, Trinity College prepares students to be bold, independent thinkers who lead transformative lives.” Keeping the three pillars of the mission in mind, how do you see yourself contributing to the Trinity community?


Rice University 莱斯大学

  There is a breadth of intellectual opportunities here at Rice. Further explain your intended major and other areas of academic focus you may explore. (150字)

Syracuse University 雪城大学

  1、Who or what influenced you to apply to Syracuse University? (250字)

  2、Who is the person you dream of becoming and how do you believe Syracuse University can help you achieve this? (250字)

Tufts University 塔夫茨大学

  1、Which aspects of the Tufts undergraduate experience prompt your application? In short, ‘Why Tufts?’(100-150字)


  From recognizing break dancing as a new Olympic sport, to representation in media, to issues of accessibility in our public transit systems, what is something that you can talk about endlessly? What do you care about and why?

  Whether you’ve built circuit boards or written slam poetry, created a community event or designed mixed media installations, tell us: What have you designed, invented, engineered, or produced? Or what do you hope to?

  We all have a story to tell. And with over 5,000 undergraduate students on our campus, that is over 5,000 stories to share and learn. What’s yours?


Tulane University 杜兰大学

  Please describe why you are interested in attending Tulane University (optional) (800字内)

  University of California 加州大学系统


  1. Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time.

  2. Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side.

  3. What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?

  4. Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.

  5. Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?

  6.  Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom.

  7. What have you done to make your school or your community a better place?

  8. Beyond what has already been shared in your application, what do you believe makes you stand out as a strong candidate for admissions to the University of California?



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