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2020-08-06 15:51     作者 :    


  Coming of Age in Japan


  In Japan , young people come of age when they are 20. This event is celebrated in most areas of Japan with a special ceremony, called Sejin no Hi or Coming of Age. On this important day in January , young people who are from the same area and were all in the same school year , go together to their local town hall , where the ceremony is held.


  The day often starts early for the girls, because they have to dress up for the ceremony. They wear a traditional Japanese dress ( or kimono ). These are extremely expensive, so most girls have to hire or borrow one. Because the dress is very difficult to put on, some girls go to a special place where other women help them. They sometimes spend up to three hours getting dressed and doing their hair and make-up. Most boys wear suits, but some wear a traditional Japanese kimono for men.


  When they are ready , the young people are photographed with their families. All the girls and boys then go to the local town hall or government office, where more photos are taken. In the hall, they listen to long speeches and sometimes sing songs. They are then given a special certificate or present from the local government. The boys and girls, now men and women, then go outside, where many more photos are taken. Finally , they leave and go out to celebrate together.


  来源:MSE指定教材 English In Mind (student's book 2)


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