沏茶:make tea茶馆:teahouse茶壶:teapot茶具:tea set茶漏:tea strainer茶点:tea biscuit茶盘:tea tray茶道:sado/tea ceremony
山崩:landslide泥石流:mud-rock flow雪崩:avalanche火山爆发:volcanic eruption龙卷风:tornado/cyclone
Civilization is on the brink of apocalypse. 文明已经濒临毁灭的边缘。(apocalypse世界毁灭) It is said that that civilization is always on the move. 有人说文明总是在进步。
sociology 社会学 [例] Sociology is the study of human social behavior, especially the study of the origins, organization, institutions, and development of human society.
depolariser (=depolarizer)(1)消偏振镜,消偏振器(2)退极化剂、depolarization (2)退极化(2)消偏振、depolarization ratio 消偏振率