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2019-12-03 18:20     作者 :    


  「Reading Passage 1」


  “Bad for the Birds, Bad for All of Us ”




  ● 对于材料文内容的Summary(文中红色部分)

  ● 对于材料文写作的Analysis(文中蓝色部分)


  The essay begins with a rather straightforward statement thatAmerica’s declining bird populations are an early warning of much bigger ecosystem disruptions that would be consequential to the whole country. Warned by the decline, the author then points out that America should make more efforts to protect the habitats of birds—America’s farms and ranches. At this point, the author uses a technique—personification: the call for help and protection, as “(the birds)’re telling us that we need to do more. Paragraph Twospecifies about the population plunge by naming two species, Eastern Meadowlark and Henslow’s Sparrow, which have suffered immense diminishing populations. The slumps are well substantiated by the alarming statistical facts as indisputable evidence.




  ● 对于材料文内容的Summary(文中红色部分)

  ● 对于材料文写作的Analysis(文中蓝色部分)


 The author remains optimistic in the face of the ecological adversity, as he sees “bright spots”. He points out that the rebounding local sub-population, exemplified bythe tremendous growth in the Henslow’s Sparrows’ population, is credited to Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), and, by quoting a report and using diverse statistics—percentages, sizes and numbers, the author then recognizes the many other remarkable achievements of the farm bill CRP, such as encouraging landowners to adopt sustainable farming and breeding and expanding bird habitat. However, there isa turning of the situation, as the authors says the “gains are at risk” in the single-sentence Paragraph 6. Through the transition, the author moves to the crisis the farm bill faces, which are the political divergence and the political powers’ financial act that will lead to the serious shrinkage of conservation reserve lands.



  2)我们自己的作文在分析的时候,可能分析作者的态度(remains optimistic)、论证方式(exemplify,quoting a report and using diverse statistics)、材料文的结构和脉络 (a turning of the situation, the transition, moves to)。


  ● 对于材料文内容的Summary(文中红色部分)

  ● 对于材料文写作的Analysis(文中蓝色部分)



    As is stated clearly, the influence of CRPs extends beyond the benefits for birds and to agriculture, as many CRPs promote and pay for the transitioning to sustainable agriculture. The authoruses an example that water is cleansed and purified in whichspecific numbers are given to illustrate the benefit. Immediately, the author points out the current wide coverage of CRPs is however inadequate, since there are still a number of problems—the case of the plantings in the Corn Belt and the dreadful depletion of oxygen in the waters of the Gulf of Mexicoas examples. Further, it is suggested that the 2013 farm bill plays a pivotal role in the existence of reserve programs of other types of lands and decides the federal government’s longtime dedication to farmland conservation. In Paragraph 12, it is suggested that the farm bill is much needed by American farms, and the high popularity of the bill is illustrated by the case that new landowner sign-ups for the funding typically exceed the governmental quota.



  「Reading Passage 2」



   “It’s Time for Paid Family and Medical Leave to Empower Working Women and Modernize the Workplace。  ”



  ● 对于材料文内容的Summary(文中红色部分)

  ● 对于材料文写作的Analysis(文中蓝色部分)



    Paragraphs 1 and 2 is the logical commencement of the essay.Before the author introduces the FAMILY Act, he revisits the preceding version of it – FMLA, which was developed twenty-one years ago. That is the background of the FAMILY Act. Immediately after the recognition of FMLA, its accomplishments, the author, in Paragraph 2, describes the plight of many families, especially women, struggle with – since “a lot has changed in the 21 years”. Working women often “face the stark choice between a paycheck and caring for a loved one”. That suggests the need for an updated version of FMLA, and foreshadows the author’s introduction of the FAMILY Act.




  ● 对于材料文内容的Summary(文中红色部分)

  ● 对于材料文写作的Analysis(文中蓝色部分)


Paragraph 3 is the transition, connectingthe prior statement of working men and women’s need for a paycheck when they need time for their familiesandthe description of the FAMILY Act. The Act, the point of the author’s argument, is introduced for the first time in the passage at the end of Paragraph 3. In this transitional paragraph, the quoteof President Obama is the highlight, and it isto say that the need is legitimate


  ● 对于材料文内容的Summary(文中红色部分)

  ● 对于材料文写作的Analysis(文中蓝色部分)

  Kirsten remains calm and confronts the obstacles of passing the Act.The obstacles FMLA faced are the reference for today’s FAMILY Act, since the author says that “we; re facing a similar fight and just as then”. The confidence is apparent, since the opposition was defeated in the past, and proponents of the Act will win today’s fight just as then. The author also encourages people to spread the word that there will be the FAMILY Act, as he wants the readers to “Tweet and Facebook about this important issue using FAMILY Act”. In the conclusive part (Paragraph 8), the author states the purpose and the benefits of the Act again, implicitly showing his support and appreciation of the Act.



  2)我们自己的作文在分析的时候,可能分析作者的态度(remains calm, confronts the obstacles of passing the Act, the confidence is apparent, implicitly showing his support and appreciation of the Act)。


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