The RAE, or Research Assessment Exercise, assesses the quality of research in universities in the UK. It is the only government-sponsored ranking of research quality in UK universities. The RAE provides quality ratings for research across all disciplines. Panels use a standard scale to award a rating for each submission. Ratings range from 1 to 5-star, according to how much of the work is judged to reach national or international levels of excellence. Next RAE will be published in 2008.
有些商学院的Accounting and Finance是算在Business里评的,比如Southampton,Reading; 有些商学院的Accounting and Finance是单独出来评的,比如Manchester, LSE. 单独出来评的都做了标注。拿到offer的同学择校比如可以根据:地理位置(10%)、学校影响力(20%)、商学院声誉(30%)、专业水平(40%)等综合考虑。这个加权不同,就可以得到不同的结果,和不同的排名,City的Cass和Reading的ISMA,还有Aston...:大学影响力一般,但商学院非常好;还有,有些大学不错,但商课比较弱;再有的,某些商学院里,金融/商课只有一方面强。