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首页 > 英语专区 > 英语学习 > 新白领标准,压力还是动力?


2012-02-13 17:19     作者 :    


在网上调查 “你达到了新白领的标准了吗?”,结果如何呢?

In the online voting activity of “Are you up to the new white-collar standards?”, only 5% can achieve a monthly salary of 20,000 Yuan or more, 6% vote for the 150 thousand Yuan car, the greatest number choose “Have a fixed circle of friends” with 14%, while netizens up to all above ten criteria is only 3%.

Although these ten standards are only netiznes`s ridicule, but they also reflect the big pressures of young people in China’s big cities. Although there is pressure there is power, but the ten criteria also reflect the restlessness among youths, you can work hard towards your goal, but the too high requirements may make you out of breath, if there is no pragmatic attitude, the result may be just the contrary.
The too high requirements may make you out of breath, if there is no pragmatic attitude, the result may be just the contrary.






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