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网络用语“凡尔赛” 用英语怎么说……

2023-03-15 16:36     作者 :    



  ◀ 释义 ▶

  v./n. 谦虚自夸;谦虚地吹牛,也就是我们现在说的“凡尔赛”,详细的英文释义如下:

  v. If you humblebrag, you say something or write something on the internet that appears to be modest or critical of yourself, but is actually a way of boasting about your own success.

  n. a statement on social media in which you pretend to be modest but which you are really using as a way of telling people about your success or achievements







  ◀ 例句 ▶

  "I don't know why they like my stupid book so much," he humblebrags.

  It's not just celebrities minor to major filling up bandwidth with humblebrags – we're all prone to it.

  ◀ 拓展 ▶

  brag v. 吹嘘,自吹自擂

  eg. He bragged to his friends about the crime. 他向朋友炫耀他的罪行。


  1. boast v. 自夸;自吹自擂; n. 夸耀;夸口

  eg. She is always boasting about how wonderful her children are.

  2. crow(尤指在其他人不成功时)扬扬自得地夸口,自鸣得意

  eg. He won't stop crowing about his victory.

  3. trumpet v. 宣扬;鼓吹;吹嘘

  eg. Their marriage was trumpeted as the wedding of the year.

  4. show off v. 炫耀自己;卖弄自己

  eg. He's just showing off because that girl he likes is here.

  5. gloat v. 扬扬得意;沾沾自喜;幸灾乐祸

  eg. She was still gloating over her rival's disappointment.

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