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2012-02-25 18:10     作者 :    




  From Glenn Close to Greta Garbo, look back at the Hollywood greats who've been overlooked by the Academy.


  GLENN CLOSE: 6 nominations, 0 wins


  She may be one of the world's most acclaimed thespians, but Glenn Close may question whether she gets any respect from the Academy. Close received her first Oscar nomination in 1983 for The World According to Garp, and her latest this year for Albert Nobbs. The fact that she hasn't won a single Oscar in those 29 years hasn't gone unnoticed – especially by the actress herself. "I've often been mistaken for Meryl Streep, although never on Oscar night," she once joked.

  格伦.克洛斯可以算是世界上的悲剧演员,但她或许会质疑奥斯卡是否给予了她应得的尊重。1983年,克洛斯因《盖普眼中的世界》获得次提名,最近一次提名得益于在《阿尔伯特.诺伯斯》中的出色表演。29 年中从未摘得奥斯卡桂冠的事实并没有被忽视——尤其是她本人。“我常常被误认为梅丽尔.斯特里普,但这从来没在奥斯卡之夜发生过,”她曾经开玩笑说。

  PETER O'TOOLE 8 nominations, 0 wins


  Here's a dubious record: The most-nominated actor who has never won a competitive Oscar is Irishman Peter O'Toole, who first rocketed to the Academy's attention as a Best Actor nominee in 1963 for Lawrence of Arabia and was nominated – and rejected – fairly regularly for the next decade or two. His last Oscar nod came in 2007 for Venus, four years after the Academy tried to make it up him by giving him an honorary lifetime award.

  难定成败的演艺生涯:获奥斯卡提名次数最多却从未胜出的就是爱尔兰人彼得·奥图,1963年,因主演《阿拉伯的 劳伦斯》而受到关注,获得奥斯卡男演员提名,然后被拒——在以后的十年或二十年中,反反复复。《末路爱神》为他赢得2007年的提名,也是最近的 一次,四年后,奥斯卡组委会决定授予他终身成就奖作为补偿。

  KENNETH BRANAGH 4 nominations, 0 wins


  Though some would say he's picked up the Shakespearean mantle from Laurence Olivier, Kenneth Branagh might be wondering by now if the Oscars are much ado about nothing, considering he's never won one. His first chance came in 1990 for Henry V (as both Best Actor and Best Director) and his latest is this year's Best Supporting Actor nod for My Weekend With Marilyn. What must hurt the most: ex-wife Emma Thompson earned two Oscars – for Best Actress and another for Best Adapted Screenplay – while they were still married.


  ANNETTE BENING 4 nominations, 0 wins

  安妮特·贝宁 4次提名,0次获奖

  Annette Bening surged into Hollywood as a shady lady in 1990's The Grifters, for which she earned a Best Supporting Actress nomination, but she hasn't been able to finagle a golden statuette from the Academy despite being nominated three more times since.


  RICHARD BURTON 7 nominations, 0 wins


  He was married to Liz Taylor twice – and is considered one of the most acclaimed actors in Hollywood history, but Burton has never won an Oscar despite being up for it seven times. That's as many times as Elizabeth Taylor had husbands! (If you only count Burton once.)Of course, whether he won or lost an Academy Award here or there probably barely registered in his consciousness, considering the fact that he was married to Elizabeth Taylor.


  JULIANNE MOORE 4 nominations, 0 wins


  Moore got her first Oscar nom in 1998 for Boogie Nights and her latest in 2003 for The Hours, but the famed actress has always left the Academy Awards show empty-handed. Still, at least she has another coveted trophyto keep her company – in the form of a 1988 Daytime Emmy from her early days as a soap actress on As the World Turns – as twins!


  NATALIE WOOD 3 nominations, 0 wins


  Given that she was already a Hollywood star at age 8 (in Miracle on 34th Street) and starred in classic movies like Rebel Without a Cause, Splendor in the Grass and West Side Story, it's no surprise that Natalie Wood garnered three Oscar nominations before she turned 25. But when she died suddenly in a boating accident at the age of 43, she still couldn't call herself an Oscar winner.

  娜塔利·伍德8岁时就已成为好莱坞影星(在《梦幻街奇缘》中饰 演角色),她还在《无因的叛逆》、《草中的光辉》和《西区故事》等在经典影片中出任主角,所以,人们并不奇怪,未满25岁时,她就已收获3次奥斯卡提名。 但不幸的是,她在一次乘船事故中丧生,终年43岁,没有机会在有生之年称自己为奥斯卡得主。

  JOHNNY DEPP 3 nominations, 0 wins


  From teen idol to serious, quirky actor to becoming a pirate of the Caribbean, Depp managed to rack up an impressive three nominations without ever taking home Oscar. But the famously private star probably could care less. "As far as I'm concerned, I would never walk into one of those things – the SAG Awards or the Academy Awards or anything – expecting to walk out with anything," he once said. "I'm not expecting to win anything, and I don't need to win anything."

  从青少年偶像到《加勒比海盗》中的 严肃、古怪形象,德普凭借他精湛的演技荣获三次奥斯卡提名,但又与其擦肩而过。这位以扮演海盗出名的明星可能并不在意。“就我而言,我并不期待这些奖项 ——美国工会奖、奥斯卡奖或其他什么奖项,我只期待做得更好,”他曾说,“我对赢得什么不寄希望,也不需要赢得什么。”

  GRETA GARBO 4 nominations, 0 wins


  No wonder Garbo almost never laughed. The Golden Age screen legend was nominated for an Academy Award four times, starting with an unusual double nomination in 1931, for both Anna Christie and Romance. She earned two more nods that decade, but never got her chance to walk up the stage victoriously. In 1954, the Academy gave her an honorary Oscar, but by then the famous recluse didn't bother to show up to the ceremony.

  嘉宝几乎没有开怀大笑过,这并不让人感到奇怪。这位电影黄金时代的银幕传奇4次获奥斯卡提名,1931年,她主演的《安娜. 克里斯蒂》和《罗曼史》同时入围——不同寻常的开端。在进入40年代前,她再获两度提名,但却仍无缘奥斯卡领奖台上耀眼的光环。1954年,奥斯卡组委会 授予她终身成熟奖,但已遁世隐居的她未现身领奖台。

  MONTGOMERY CLIFT 4 nominations, 0 wins


  One of Hollywood great tragedies is the life of Montgomery Clift. The '50s leading man earned a Best Actor Oscar nomination in his debut, 1948's The Search, and racked up two more Best Actor nods by 1953. Three years later, his face, career and life were shattered in a car accident. His last nomination – for Best Supporting Actor – came in 1962 for his role as a concentration-camp survivor in Judgment at Nuremberg, in which Clift was so addled with pain, drugs and alcohol that he couldn't remember the lines for his 12 minutes of screen time. He lost out in his last chance at an Oscar, and died five years later.

  蒙哥马利·克里夫特是好莱坞最悲剧的人物之一。50年代的当红小生,在1948年的《乱世孤雏》中登台便有幸获得奥斯卡男演员提名,在53年这前再获两次提名。三年后,一场车祸毁 了他的容貌、演艺生涯、甚至生活。1962年,他在《纽伦堡审判》中扮演一名纳粹集中营幸存者而获得配角提名,这也是他一次被提名,参演该剧时, 克里夫特遭受着疼痛、药物和酒精的折磨,头脑混乱,甚至记不清12分钟银幕场景中的台词,他失掉了的机会,5年后辞世。


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