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The big bang theory---learning from laughter!

2013-02-11 00:00     作者 :    


“追美剧”成为现在年轻人的乐趣之一,也是大多数中国学生了解美国文化的重要途径之一。有人曾戏称,中国人的急性子都是电视剧惯出来的。因为国产电视剧都是拍完整部之后播,每天两集甚至三集,惯坏了这些剧迷们;然而美国的电视剧却是拍一集播一集,每周只更新一次。笔者不幸也成为了追逐美剧大军中的一员,每周五中午苦苦期盼,刷新了N次网页后才意识到今天是Thanksgiving不更新!那种心情,也只有各位美剧迷们懂我了!这让我苦苦期盼的美剧就是现在美国的《The big bang theory》--《生活大爆炸》。今天我就来带领所有同学们来聊一聊这部最hot的美剧。

首先,笔者印象最深刻的就是《生活大爆炸》的主题曲,它的歌词对于大多数观众来说肯定像天书一样,简直比rap还rap,而且还有着一定的学术性,成为广大TBBT迷的一大困惑。今天我们就从它的theme song入手来了解一下这部剧为什么也是学习英文的一大得力助手:

The Big Bang Theory Theme Song   生活大爆炸主题曲

Our whole universe was in a hot dense state.


Whole:全部的,整个的;universe 宇宙;dense 稠密的;state 状态

Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait…


Billion 十亿;(billionaire 亿万富翁);expansion 扩张,膨胀;

The earth began to cool


The earth 地球 (世界上的东西一定要加the哦)

The autotrophs began to drool


Autotroph 自养生物,靠无机物质生存的生物;drool 流口水

Neanderthals develops tools


Neanderthals 穴居人;

We build a wall (we build the pyramids)


Wall代指the Great Wall, 长城;pyramid 金字塔

Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries,


Math is short for mathematics, 数学;unravel 解开,解决;mystery 未解之谜

That all started with the big bang!


怎么样啊,现在大家心里都明白点了吧!下面我们来进入到正式的剧情:五个大主角Lenard, Sheldon, Raj, Howard和Penny算是在剧中占尽了风头,现在我就来给大家介绍一下:

Johnny Galecki as Leonard Hofstadter, Ph.D. – Leonard is an experimental physicist with an IQ of 173 who received his Ph.D. when he was 24 years old. He shares an apartment with colleague and friend Sheldon Cooper. He is the straight man of the series. The writers toyed with a romance between him and neighbor Penny, with their unresolved sexual tension being a major force for drama. Leonard and Penny eventually had a short intimate relationship.

Jim Parsons as Sheldon Cooper, Ph.D. – Originally from East Texas, he was a child prodigy, starting college at the age of 11, right after completing the fifth grade. As a theoretical physicist, he possesses a master's degree, two Ph.D.s, and an IQ of 187. He exhibits a strict adherence to routine; a lack of understanding of irony, sarcasm and humor; and a complete lack of humility. These characteristics are the main sources of his character's humor and the center of a number of episodes. Sheldon shares an apartment with Leonard Hofstadter.

Kaley Cuoco as Penny – She is the attractive, blonde neighbor who lives across the hall from Sheldon and Leonard. She has aspirations of a career in show business, and has been to casting calls and auditions but has not been successful thus far. To pay the bills, she works as a waitress at The Cheesecake Factory.

Simon Helberg as Howard Wolowitz, M.Eng.– He works as an aerospace engineer. He is Jewish, and lives with his mother. Unlike Sheldon, Leonard, and Raj, Howard lacks a Ph.D. He defends this by pointing out that he has a master's degree in Engineering from MIT and the apparatus he designs are actually built and launched into space, unlike the purely abstract work of his friends. He provides outrageous pick-up lines and fancies himself a ladies man with suitably unimpressed reactions from Penny; however, he has shown limited success with other women.

Kunal Nayyar as Rajesh Koothrappali, Ph.D. – Rajesh, who originally comes from New Delhi, India, works as a particle astrophysicist at Caltech. He is very shy around women and is physically unable to talk to them unless he drinks alcohol. However, he has had much better luck with women as opposed to his overly confident best friend Howard. His parents, introduced as Dr. and Mrs. V.M. Koothrappali, are seen via webcam. In the third season, he works for Sheldon because his research has run into a dead-end and he doesn't want to go back to India.



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