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2012-01-14 15:58     作者 :    


看到这篇短文就想起了庾澄庆的“快乐颂”。快乐其实也没有什么道理,告诉你,快乐就是这么容易的东西,don't worry be happy 。呵呵。想快乐,那就停止报怨吧,用心去感受周围平凡而美好的事物。简单的快乐最幸福。
Don't complain

If we really want to be happy, why do we act like such babies?

     We can claim to be proactive in our life by settings goals and going after what we want. But if we’re always whining and complaining all the time, are we really living effectively?

     If you don’t believe me, count how many times you complain about something or other in one day. Whether it be being stuck in traffic, being bothered by the weather, not enough mustard on your sandwich, or whatever it is, there are endless instances where you can find a reason to complain.

     But it’s not just outside circumstances that we complain about. We complain about about ourselves too. We complain that we don’t have enough time, we don’t have enough money (this one is huge because it’s often “true”), that we’re not smart enough, cool enough, or just enough.

I know I’ve experienced plenty of unpleasantness due to complaining about things I can’t control. I never really thought about it much until I found this website about “living in a complain free world.”

     Imagine how much happier you would be if you simply stopped complaining? Much of what you complain about is outside of your control anyway. What’s the point of brooding about something you have no power to change? Not very intelligent, if you ask me.

     Simply becoming conscious of how much you complain is the first step to stopping. When you recognize that you’re complaining, stop and take notice of it. Ask yourself if you would rather complain, or be happy.

    我们可以积极主动的在我们生活中设定目标,然后向着目标进发。但是如果我们整天牢骚满腹,怨天尤人的话,我们还会活的To be efficient吗?







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