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2013-03-26 17:38     作者 :    


  All authorities on style of English prose agree that good writing is concise. Careful writers say what they mean is as few words as possible. 在雅思写作与口语考试中,常常出现“车轱辘”话来回转,这样不仅思路枯竭,也会被考官认为词汇量、语法知识有限,影响几乎所有评分项目。在评分标准与William Strunk,Jr., and E.B. White所著The Elements of Style清楚阐述:

  "Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts."

  几乎所有中文译成的英文文章,或者由中国人写成的英文文章,都会存在不必要的单词(unnecessary words),这些单词常常由于中文习惯被忽视,但因其没有任何功能性作用,在语义上和语法上都没有增添新的含义,只会让文章显得不地道,应该被删去。

  Unnecessary words可以是任何词性,这次我先学习名词的缀余(redundant)。

  1. 名词缀余产生的原因是由于其含义已经隐含在句子其他成分中(their sense is already included or implied in some other element of the sentence)。在删除这些名词的同时,应将其前后的冠词与介词一同删去。如(B为修改后):


  A:to accelerate the pace of economic reform

  B:to accelerate economic reform

  因为"To accelerate= to increase the pace of"



  A:living standards for the people in both urban and rural areas continued to rise

  B: living standards in both urban and rural areas continued to rise

  因为“生活水平”本身说的就是“人们的”(the notion of living standards applies only to people)


  A:these hardships are temporary in nature

  B:these hardships are temporary

  所有的形容词都是在描述所修饰名词的"nature"or"character".如果说hardships are "temporary in nature"就像在说“中国国旗在颜色上是红色的。Chinese flag is 'red in color'. 或者“熊猫在数量上是稀少的Pandas are 'fewin number.'


  2. 另一些名词缀余不太易被发觉,但是a little thought will reveal that they add nothing to the meaning of the sentence. 将其删除不仅语义没有减少,反而使表达更清晰。如:


  A: it is essential to strengthen the building of national defense

  B: it is essential to strengthen national defense


  A:following the realization of mechanization of agriculture

  B:following the mechanization of agriculture


  A:at that time the situation in northeast China was still one where people were living miserable lives

  B:at that time people were living miserable lives in northwest China

  "situation"是个非常危险的单词,不仅其本身通常unnecessary,而且会带出后面不必要的成分,如本句中的"one where"


  A:the key to the solution lies in the curtailment of expenditure

  B:the solution is to curtail (or : cut back on) expenditure

  "Key"有时很useful,但key与solution意思重叠,要连同"lies in"一起删去


  A:XXX is a subject that has been discussed in detail

  B:XXX has been discussed in detail


  3. 范畴词category nouns

  此类词要特别讲解,在Chinglish中出现最为频繁。它通常是一个general noun宽泛的名词,用于引出后面specific noun,如"a serious mistake in the work of planning"

  "work"就是范畴词,说明后面的"planning"属于“工作”这个类别的("planning" falls into the category of "work")。但是,这个地球人都知道!所以work应删去:a serious mistake in planning.

  Other examples:

  1) 促进和平统一事业

  A:promoting the cause of peaceful reunification

  B:promoting peaceful reunification

  2) 在经济方面的改革

  A:reforms in the sphere of the economy

  B: reforms in the economy (or:economic reforms)


  3) 确保紧密合作关系

  A:to ensure a relationship of close cooperation between

  B:to ensure close cooperation between


  4) 必须反对浪费行为

  A:we must oppose the practice of extravagance

  B:we must oppose extravagance


  5) 经济不稳定因素

  A:this, coupled with the factor of price instability, caused…

  B:this, coupled with price instability, caused…



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