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“疯狂”解析托福口语Task 2 之“策略”

2014-04-17 14:44     作者 : 王波    


随着托福口语考试Task 1的结束,考生就要马上调整好进入Task 2 Personal Choice的备考状态。Task 2 Personal Choice中要求考生在规定的时间之内必须在某两种对立的观点,如relax indoors vs. relaxing outdoors或A college education is necessary for a successful career vs.Agree/ Disagree中做出倾向选择,并陈述理由。其问法常以Agree or Disagree或Prefer A to B两种问法出现考题中。仔细研读过ETS的同学你会发现,即便是官方备考策略中也明确指出要求考生首先要Be familiar with the direction and dismiss them by clicking on continue,及考生必须要明确和清楚自己的立场,所以切莫出现写作的形式,如“双边倒”,不少同学会出现既说A又说B的情况,导致要么就是没有说完,要么就是没有表达清楚,因此这是不可取的。


接下来就是审题,要求考生在15秒内准备(包括记笔记),完后并陈述45秒钟即可。不难发现,实际上Task 2 和Task 1 Personal Preference是有共同之处的,即表达观点之后考生需要捍卫自己的观点,只不过Task 2 中的观点是二选一罢了。 我们可以完全采用在前一题型中的笔记模式来准备即:Topic Sentence &Supporting Ideas.策略。而这里的supporting idea 尤为关键,我们知道中国人在英文的表达上是强于说理,弱于举例,因此这也成了国内考生心中的一个“痛”,在Supporting detail中死活想不出例子,不少同学因担心自己“没准备过”或“无理由”而败之惨痛。一起来看一个真题:


Some people prefer having meals at Chinese restaurants, but some others prefer American-style fast food like KFC and McDonald’s. Which do you prefer and explain why.




策略一: 可以借用传说中的形容词(adj.)来作为Supporting Idea,以此展开细节描述;这样的话,同学们的脑海里可能马上就蹦出诸如:nutritious、convenient 、fast service 等这样的形容词,并以此说出一个例子即可。如


I think Chinese food would be better. Firstly, they are nutritious which have a lot of body-building nutrition and vitamin we really need。


策略二:若是在找不到第二个合适的理由,可直接借用对方的一个缺点来作为Supporting idea 来陈述;如描述中餐是时可采取相比之下西餐的品种少、营养价值不高等不足之处来作为第二个理由;描述西餐时可采取相比之下中餐的费时、油腻等不足之处来作为第二个理由即可,即:


1 A+B-缺点


2 B+A-缺点



1) Well, if you have American -style fast food, all you can have is Hamburg and Zinger burger or stuff like that, I mean you don`t have too many choices. Besides it lacks of a lot of body-building nutrition and vitamin we really need.

2) Well, if you choose to have American -style fast food, it only takes you about 30 minutes, while if you have Chinese food, it will be an hour ”



That`s the reason why I prefer...

In conclusion...

Therefore, I much prefer...



“I think Chinese food would be better. Firstly, they are nutritious which have a lot of body-building nutrition and vitamin we really need. Also, there is a large variety of choices , like, if you like spicy food, you can choose “Sichuan” style restaurant. By the way, my favorite Sichuan dish is “ants climbing tree.”(蚂蚁上树) While, if you have American -style fast food, all you can eat is Hamburg and Zinger burger or stuff like that, I mean you don`t have too many choices. Besides it lacks of many body-building nutrition and vitamin we really need. So, That`s why I prefer to have Chinese food.

以上这两个策略均可用于Task 2的任何话题中。

1 Some students like to regularly review their notes, while others like to review their notes just before tests.What is your choice and why?

2 Instead of always being busy,one should have a relaxed life style.Do you agree or disagree?


Tips:托福口语考试侧重点不在于考察考生的学术背景,而是注重考察学生如何express idea和Organize reply的能力。必要的时候还可以来个“善意的谎言”或是“移花接木”。但英语学习终归还是要回到本质上,如若脱离了语言学习的本质,浪费了大量的时间、金钱,又有何用呢?希望大家能够勤模仿,多练习、多积累,坚持每天练英语、每天说英语,每天用英语。因为,英语学习贵在坚持,任何“三天打渔,两天晒网”的这种心态在英语学习中是不可能成功的!记住一句话:只要你的英语综合技能提高了,还担心考试吗?你觉得呢?

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