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2013-07-24 17:22     供稿单位: 新航道    

出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别


  【网络综合 - 托福考试(TOEFL)】

  口语 TASK 01


  What suggestion would you like to give to a child who is startingschool for the first time. Use reasons and specific examples to explain whythis suggestion is important.

  口语 TASK 02

  Prefer buy prepared food or buy fresh food and prepare by yourself?

  口语 TASK 03


  [听力]然后那个女的很高兴,因为(1)她学guitar很多年,有用武之地;(2)通过表演她可以学用麦克风,还有学习和观众互动;(3)对于喜欢live music的学生也很好,因为其他夜店都是要收费的,但是这个是免费的。

  Coffee shop on campus plan to have live music performed by studentson Friday night started next month; the store manager believed that studentwill largely participate in both performance and attendance for the concert.The female student would like to participate playing guitar and singing. Thiskind of live music in this area cost a lot; compared to that, the coffee shopprovides affordable live music experience.

  [阅读] School is going to host music event at cafeteria (of coffeeshop, not sure) on Friday evening. Student musician can come to perform at theevent. Also there is no charge for students to come to watch the music liveshow.

  [听力] The female student thinks it is a great idea. Because as astudent musician, she is provided with an opportunity to practice performing infront of the public. She will practice how to be relaxed and how to talk toaudience between each songs. The boy also agrees with the school decision,because students who enjoy watch live shows are able to come to the performancefor free. He also mentioned that other music live shows hosted by bars/coffeeshop outside of campus need to charge cover fees.

  口语 TASK 04

  [阅读]research rivalry affect,又称competitive rivalry,意思是:做对照实验时,两组被实验人员不能互相认识,否则会影响实验结果以致不准。

  [听力]教授举了个例子,说有个生产energy bar的公司,做了个跑步试验,有实验组和对照组。实验中有两组跑步运动员,一组每天都吃energy bar, 另一组不吃。假设A组里的一人是B里一人的朋友,那么B组里的人就知道A组的人每天吃补药而自己不吃,但是他们不想就这么输掉,于是他们加强练习,的结果是两组人跑的都变快了,那么文章里对competitor的研究就无法证明了。这个实验就分不清楚这个energy bar是否有效。

  [阅读]Give the definition of research group rivalry. Two groups in researchstudy: one is exposed to certain condition, while the other is not. The resultswill be compared to conclude. However if each of the group is aware of thedifference applied to them, they will start acting differently and therefore,research cannot reach to the conclusion.

  [听力] Professor talks about a specific example of research grouprivalry. He talks about a product called “energy bar”. Both of the groups areexposed to physical training for 4 month. In this process, one of the people ingroup 1 is friend of people in group 2.They start to realize one is giving barand the other is not. The group that is not given the energy bar started towork really hard, run faster to improve their data. Eventually, the resultsmight be different from the case when the groups are not aware of each other.

  以上就是新航道托福频道为大家整理的2013年5月托福口语预测,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道托福频道 https://www.xhd.cn/toefl/
