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2013-08-04 15:18     作者 :    


  clumsy a.笨拙的;不好看的;粗陋的 [obs clumse be numb(麻木的)with cold]

  cluster n.串;束 [clyster: cf CLOT凝结]

  clutch v.抓紧 [18th c: prob SEngl var of cletch cleck to hatch klekja,assoc with CLUTCH(用手或指甲等)抓住,] [握]

  clutter n.喧闹 [partly var of clotter coagulate, partly assoc with CLUSTER,CLATTER 嗒声;喧闹]

  coadjutor n.助手;伙伴 [ adjutor adjuvare -jut- help ADJUTANT副手;副官]

  coalesce v.联合;合并 [alescere alit- grow alere nourish coalition结合,合并]

  coax v.甘言劝诱

  coaxal a.同轴的

  cockade n.帽章 [fem of obs coquard saucy傲慢的;活泼的coq COCK公鸡;耸立]

  coddle v.娇养;溺爱 [caudle invalids' gruel稀粥;使极度疲劳]

  codicil n.遗嘱的附录 [ codicillus, dimin of CODEX法律;规则]

  coerce v.强迫 [arcere restrain coercion 强迫;威压;高压政治]

  cog n.轮齿 [ prob of Scand orig]

  cogent a.使人信服的 [agere act- drive cogency(使人信服的)力量,(理论等的)中肯]

  cogitate v.思考 [ cogitare think( AGITATE骚动)cogitation(常~s)(文语)思考(力),熟虑;深思 after much ~ 经过] [思熟虑之后 cogitable 可以思考的,可做思考题目的]

  cognate a.同源的;同性质的 [ cognatus(natus born)]

  cognizance n.认知 [ conoisance cognoscent-cognitio:COGNITION认识;知觉]

  cognomen n.姓 [cognominal 同名的 姓的 cognoscente(美术品等的)鉴赏家 cognoscible可认知的;可辨识的]

  cohere v.凝聚 [ cohaerere cohaes-( haerere stick)coherent 互相密合的;凝聚性的cohesion 团结;凝结力]

  coherence n.n.附著;凝聚;结合

  cohort n.一队兵;同事 [ cohorte or cohors cohort- enclosure围绕, company]

  coincide v.与……一致;符合;暗合 [med coincidere(INCIDENT 事件;附带的,外来的)coincidence 一致,符合;偶合,巧合]

  colander n.滤器;漏锅 [ colare strain 拉紧]

  collaborate v.合作 [collaborare collaborat-(laborare work)]

  collate v.校勘;对照 [ collat- pp. stem of conferre compare]

  collateral a.并行的;旁系的 [ collateralis(侧面;旁边的)]

  collation n.便餐;核对 [Cassian's Collationes Patrum同 Lives of the Fathers)read by Benedictines(圣本铎修会的僧)and followed] [by a light meal]

  collide v.碰撞;冲突;抵触[collidere collis-( laedere strike, damage)collision 碰撞,猛撞(with,against)(利害、意见、目的 [的)对立,不一致,冲突]

  collier n.煤矿工人;运煤船

  colloquial a.会话的;口语的 [ colloquium COLLOQUY(。"谈话,会谈")(文语)(正式的)对话,会谈]

  collusion n.共谋;骗串;勾结 [collusion or L collusio(COLLUDE共谋,串通,勾结 colludere collus-(COM-, ludere lus- play))]

  colorable a.似是而非的;貌似可取的

  comatose a.昏睡的;无生气的 [coma 昏睡;彗核;种芒]

  combustible a.易燃的 [combust- burn up COMBUSTION 燃烧;氧化]

  comely a.美丽动人的 [ cumelich, cumli prob BECumelich BECOME]

  comestible n.a.食品;可以吃的 [comedere comest- eat up]

  comity n.礼仪 [ comitas comis courteous彬彬有礼的]

  commandeer v.征募(兵役等);征用 [ commander COMMAND]

  commence v.开始;着手;得学士学位 [as COM-, initiare INITIATE COMMENCEMENT开始;学士学位授与(日)]

  commensurate a.同量的 [ commensuratus(COM-, MEASURE)]

  commingle v.混合

  commiserate v.同情;慰问 [miserari pity miser wretched]

  commodious a.宽敞的;使用方便的 [ commodieux or med commodiosus commodus(COMMODE)COMMODITY日用品;商品;必需品]

  compact a.简洁的;紧密的 [ compactum compacisci compact-(COM-, pacisci covenant): PACT]

  compatible a.能共处的 [compatibilis(COMPASSION)compatibility适合性,两立性;一致;调和]

  compendious a.简明的 [pend=hang]

  compendium n.摘要 [ compendere( pendere weigh)what is weighed together]

  compensate v.偿还;补偿 [compensare( pensare frequent of pendere pens-weigh)]

  compile v.编辑 [ compiler or its apparent source, compilare plunder,plagiarize compilation 编辑;编纂;编纂物]

  complacent a.自满的 [ complacere: COMPLACENCY complacentia

  complacere(COM-, placere please)]

  complaisant a.殷勤的;彬彬有礼的 [complaire(stem complais-)acquiesce to please,complacere: COMPLACENCY自满,自得;自以为是]

  complement n.补足物 [ complementum(COMPLETE)]

  compliant a.顺从的;应允的 [compliable 依从的;屈从的 compliance(对于要求、命令等的)服从,顺从;遵守;应允]

  complicity n.共谋;串通 [complice(see ACCOMPLICE)+-ITY]

  compliment n.称赞;恭维;祝贺;赠送 [complimenter It complimento (COMPLEMENT补足物;补充的)]

  comply v.顺从;应允 [It complire Cat complir, cumplir complere fill up]

  comport v.举止 [ comportare(COM-, portare carry)]

  comprise v.包括 [fem pp. of comprendre comprehend]

  compromise v.和解;危及 [ compromissum neut pp. of compromittere(com-,promittere promise)]

  compunction n.后悔;内疚 [ compungere compunct-(com-, pungere prick刺;受责备)]

  compute v.计算;估计 [ computer or computare(com-, putare reckon)computationn]

  concatenate v.连结;连锁 [ concatenare(com-, catenare catena chain)]

  concealment n.隐蔽;躲藏;隐匿处

  concede v.承认 [ conceder or concedere concess-(com-, cedere yield)]

  conceit n.自满;独断;奇想;巧思 [conceive after deceit(欺骗,谎言), deceive, etc(←→humility)be full of ~ 非常自负,自命不凡] conceited[自负的,自大的,自满的;奇想的,幻想的]

  conceive v.想象 [ concipere concept-(com-, capere take)]

  concentric a.同中心的 [ concentrique or medL concentricus(com-, centricus as centre)]

  conception n.构思;概念 [conceptio -onis(concept)]

  conch n.贝壳 [ concha shell kogkhe]

  concierge n.看门人;公寓管理人员 [prob conservus fellow slave]

  conciliate v.安慰;取悦于 [ conciliare combine, gain(concilium council)

  conciliation 安抚;获得(好感等);和解]

  concise a.简明的 [concis or concisus pp. of concidere(com-, caedere cut)concision切断,分离,简洁,简明]

  conclave n.秘密会议 [ conclave lockable room(com-, clavis key)]

  concoct v.调制;编造 [ concoquere concoct-(com-, coquere cook)concoction混合;调合物;捏造;企图]

  concordat n.协定;宗派间的协约 [ concordat or concordatum neut pp. of concordare Concorde 协和式喷射客机]

  condemn v.谴责;宣告;命定;征用 [ condemnare(com-, damnare damn)condemnation非难,谴责,责难,责备 宣告有罪,判罪]

  condemnation n.非难;罪的宣告;非难

  condign a.适宜的;应受的 [ condignus(com-, dignus worthy)]

  condiment n.调味品 [ condimentum

  condole v.同情;慰问 [ condolere(com-, dolere suffer)(。"一起叹息")condolence 哀悼

  condolatory 吊唁的;吊慰的 condole,] [after consolatory etc.]

  condone v.宽恕;原谅 [ condonare(com-, donare give)]

  conduit n.导管;水管[ conduit conductus conduct)。"共同引导")(文语)(从道德观点来看的人的)行为,品行经营,营运,管理;指挥,引导 the ~ of

  confiscate v.充公;没收 [ confiscare(com-, fiscare fiscus treasury)]

  conformity n.相似;一致 [ conformite or conformitas(conform 适合;顺从,顺应)nonconformity 不适合,不一致;不服]从 [教]

  congeal v.凝结 [ congelare(com-, gelare gelu frost)]

  congenital a.天生的 [ congenitus(com-, genitus pp. of gigno beget)]

  conglomeration n.聚集;凝聚 [conglomeratus pp. of conglomerare(com-,glomerare glomus -eris ball)]

  congregate v.聚集 [ congregare(com-, gregare grex gregis flock)]

  congruence n.适合;全等 [congruentia(congruent符合的;一致;调和)congruity一致]

  conifer n.针叶树;松柏科植 [(cone, -ferous)]

  conjecture n.推测;猜想 [ conjectura conjicere(com-, jacere throw) conjectural推测的,好推测的]

  conjure v.恳求; 耍魔术 [ conjurare band together by oath(com-, jurare swear)]

  conjurer n.魔术师;极聪明的人 [conjure(。"一起发誓")念咒语召<灵魂>耍魔术(自)取出(out of)]

  connivance n.纵容;默许 [CONNIVE假装不见 connivere shut the eyes(to)]

  connoisseur n.鉴定家;行家 [pres stem of conna re know+-eur -or: cf reconnoiter侦察,勘查,勘测;观察,探究]

  connotation n.涵意;暗示 [CONNOTATIVE含蓄的;有涵义的暗示 (别的意思) 的,含有言外之意的(of)]

  consanguinity n.血缘;亲族 [SANGUINE 血红色的;充满希望的 consanguineous 血亲的,血缘的,同族的]

  conscientious a.正直的 [ conscientiosus(conscience良心;责任心)]

  consecrate v.奉为神圣;献身 [ consecrare(com-, secrare = sacrare dedicate sacer sacred)]

  consensus n.一致 [ agreement]

  consentaneous a.一致的;全场一致的

  consign v.移交 [ consigner or consignare mark with a seal(com-, sign)consignment 交付;寄销;寄送的货物]

  consistent a.始终如一的 [ consistere(consist组成;存在;一致)]

  consort v.n.相伴;结交;配偶;伙伴 [earlier form of concert]

  conspicuous a.引人注目的 [ conspicuus(conspectus)]

  conspire v.阴谋;密谋 [conspirer conspirare agree, plot(com-, spirare breathe)conspiracy(结党)阴谋,共谋<企图的>]阴谋

  consternation n.惊愕;惊恐 [ consternation or L consternatio(consternate使惊愕)]

  construe v.诠释;翻译 [ construere construct misconstrue曲解;误解]

  consummate a.完全的 [ consummare(com-, summare complete summus utmost)consummation 完成;;完婚,圆房]

  contaminate v.弄脏;污染 [ contaminare(com-, tamen- rel to tangere touch)]

  contemn v.轻侮;蔑视 [ contemner or contemnere(com-, temnere tempt-despise)]

  contemplate v.凝视;沉思 [ contemplari(com-, templum place for observations)]

  contentious a.好争吵的 [ contentieux contentiosus(contention争论;辩论)(contend奋斗;竞争)]

  contiguous a.接触的;邻近的 [COM-, tangere touch]

  continence n.自律;节欲 [continent大陆;自制的,禁欲的]

  contingent a.可能发生的 [COM-, tangere touch contingency偶然性;意外事故]

  contortions n.扭歪;弯曲 [COM-, torquere twist; contort扭,扭歪,曲解]

  contraband n.非法交易;走私 [ contrabanda It(CONTRA-, bando proclamation宣布,布告,发布 宣言,声明书,宣告书]

  contract n.契约;婚约;收缩;皱眉[ contractus(COM-, trahere tract- draw)~ a marriage(with ┅)(与)缔结婚姻 ~one's eyebrows (forehead) 皱眉 (额头)

  contravene v.违反;抵触 [CONTRA-, venire vent- come]

  contrite a.悔悟的 [COM-, terere trit- rub]

  controvert v.否定;否认 [ controversus(CONTRA-, vertere vers-


  contumacious a.不听命令的 [ contumax, perh rel to tumere swell]

  contumely n.傲慢;侮辱 [ contumelie contumelia(COM-, tumere swell)]

  contusion n.打伤;撞伤 [ contundere contus-(COM-, tundere thump)contuse v]

  conundrum n.含恢谐、双关之意的谜语 [如]

  convalesce v.渐渐恢复;痊愈 [(。"变强") convalescere(COM-, valere bewell)convalescence 渐愈;恢复期]

  convene v.召开;开会 [ convenire convent- assemble, agree, fit(COM-, venirecome)]

  conventional a.传统的;习俗的 [ conventionnel or conventionalis(CONVENTION大会;协定;惯例)]

  conversant a.精通的 [ pres part of converser CONVERSE交谈;相反的]

  convert v.改变;变更 [ convertere convers- turn about(COM-, vertere turn)]

  conveyance n.运输;交通工具 [convey(。"同(走)路")人、运输工具等>载运<乘客>,搬运<货物>~ passengers载运乘客 conveyable] [可搬运 (传达,转让) 的]

  convict v.证明;宣判有罪[ convincere convict-(COM-, vincere conquer): noun obs convict convicted conviction (陪审员)有 罪判决, 定罪;确信

  convivial a.快乐的;欢乐的 [ convivialis convivium feast(COM-, vivere live)]

  convoke v.召集 [ convocare convocat-(COM-, vocare call)convocation召集,集会]

  convoluted a.旋绕的;回旋状的 [ convolutus(COM-, volvere volut- roll)]

  convoy v.护送 [ convoyer var of conveier CONVEY传达;运输;转移]

  convulse v.使震动 [("撕裂") COM-, vellere pull The island was ~d by the eruption convulsant 引进痉挛的;抽搐的;惊]厥[剂] convulsion 震动;动乱;抽筋

  coop v.拘禁 [ cupe basket MDu, MLG kupe, cupa cask]

  copious a.很多的;丰富的 [ copiosus copia plenty]

  coquette n.卖弄风情之女子;狐狸精 [fem of coquet wanton, dimin of coq cock公鸡,雄鸡(英俚)伙伴,老大(干草等堆成的)圆锥形小山→] [haycock coquetry 女子玩弄男人;卖弄风骚]

  cordon n.警戒线 [It cordone augmentative of corda CORD, & F cordon(CORD)]

  cornice n.飞檐 [ cornix -icis crow 啼叫;乌鸦]

  corporeal a.肉体的;物质的 [ corporeus

  corpulent a.肥胖的 [ corpulentus

  corpus n.全集;全部资料 [corpse尸体]

  corroborate v.确定 [corroborant 确证的,健身药, roborant 强壮剂 corroboration证实,支持,证据]

  corrosive a.腐蚀的 [ corosif -ive(CORRODE腐蚀;破坏)]

  cortege n.行列 [cortex(植物)表皮层皮质,外皮]

  coruscate v.闪烁;焕发 [ coruscare glitter闪烁]

  cosmetologist n.美容导师;美容师 [cosmeto-logist COSMETIC 化妆品;装饰性的kosmeo adorn kosmos order, adornment]

  cosmic a.宇宙的;广大无边的 [cosm宇宙+ic;COSMOS宇宙 cosmopolis国际都市]

  costume n.服装;剧装 [custom,按照习俗要求穿的服装]

  coterie n.(由共同兴趣组成)小团体 [COTE小屋,笼+rie cottage小屋 cotenant]

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