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2013-08-04 15:22     作者 :    


  blush v.害羞;脸红 [blyscan]

  bluster v.狂吹;咆哮 [16th c.: ult. imit.]

  bode v.预示 [ bodian boda messenger送信的人,信差,报信者]

  bog n.沼泽;泥塘

  boggle v.n.惊跳;畏缩不前 [prob dial boggle BOGEY(高尔夫)以高于标准杆数(par)一杆入<洞> BOGY似沼泽的;多沼泽的 BOG] [湿地,沼泽 陷于泥淖;变得动弹不得]

  bogus a.假的;伪造的 [19th-c. word]

  boisterous a.喧闹的 [var of boistous]

  bolster v.支持;援助;垫木 [20th c.: orig. uncert.]

  bolt n.闩门;螺钉脱党 [ bulter, bulete]

  bombardment n.炮击 [bombard 炮轰;轰炸 The artillery ~ed the enemy all day炮兵终日炮轰敌人;质问 med.L bombarda a] [stone-throwing engine: BOMB]

  bombastic a.夸大的 [earlier bombace cotton wool bombax -acis alt bombyx; bombast大话;夸大的]

  bonanza n.富矿带;幸运物;幸运 [orig = fair weather,bonus good]

  bondage n.奴役;囚禁 [ bondagium: infl by BOND 束缚;连结物;盟约;联盟]

  bonfire n.(庆祝或信号)大沟火;火 [earlier bonefire BONE (bones being the chief material formerly used) + FIRE]

  bonnet n.妇女帽;共谋者 [ bonet short for chapel de bonet cap of some kind

  of material(medL bonetus)]

  bonny a.美丽的;健康的 [16th c: perhbon good =bonnie]

  bonus n.奖金;分红;退还款项 [ bonus, bonum good (thing)]

  boom v.n.响声;忽然兴隆;宣传

  booming a.景气的;受欢迎的;隆隆响 [~ toy sales 日趋兴隆的玩具销售]

  boon n.恩惠;愉快的;温和的 [ (orig. = jolly, congenial) bon bonus good]

  boor n.农民;乡下人;粗野的人 [bur or Du boer farmer: cf BOWER =Boer boorish粗野的]

  boost v.推动 [booster 援助者;升压机;推进器]

  booth n.摊棚;电话亭

  bootless a.无用的 [botleas(BOOT, LESS)BOOT( "利益")to boot 另外,加之,而且 (常~s)

  长靴,长统鞋,半长 靴],[高腰鞋 5(the ~)(俚)解雇,革职,开革]

  booze v.酒宴;饮酒 [earlier bouse, bowse,busen drink to excess]

  bore v.n.钻孔;使厌;无聊的人

  boreal a.北的;北风的 [borealis Boreas god ofthe north wind]

  boredom n.无聊;令人厌烦的事物

  bosom n.胸;怀中;爱情;拥抱

  botany n.植物学(书) [botanic botanique or botanicus botanikos botane plant botanical植物的;植物学的]

  botch v.拙笨地修补;糟蹋 [botcher 扭劣的工匠;笨手笨脚的人]

  bouillon n.肉汤;牛肉汤 [bouillir to boil]

  boulder n.圆石头;玉石 [short for boulderstone, Scand]

  boulevard n.林荫大道

  boundary n.界限,范围 [dial. bounder BOUND + -ER perh. after limitary]

  bounteous a.慷慨的;宽大的 [ bontif bonte BOUNTY after plenteous(诗)=plentiful]

  bountiful a.大方的 [ bontif bonte BOUNTY ("好东西")慷慨,好施,博爱,仁爱,宽大 after plenteous BOUNTY+] [FUL bounteous慷慨的,宽大的]

  bounty n.慷慨,宽大;赠与 [ bonitas -tatis bonus good]

  bouquet n.花束;香味;(酒等)芳香 [ dial var of OF bos, bois wood]

  bourgeois n.中产阶级的人 [ BURGESS 市民;议员]

  bourn n.小河;目标;界限 [ borne bodne BOUND]

  bout n.一阵;一回;一次 [16th c: app the same as obs bought bending]

  bovine a.似牛的;笨拙的 [ bovinus bos bovis ox]

  bowdlerize v.删去不妥的文句 [ Bowdler(d 1825), expurgator of Shakesp]

  bower n.树荫;寝室;提琴演奏者 [ Bauer peasant, jack at cards, rel to Du boer:


  boycott v.联合抵制 [Capt Boycott, Irish land-agent d 1897, so treated from 1880]

  brace v.支持;使固定 [ brace two arms, bracier embrace, brachia arms bracing紧张的;使心神清爽的;支柱]

  bracelet n.手镯;手拷 [dimin. of bracel bracchiale bra(c)chium arm]

  brackish a.混有盐的;作呕的 [obs brack(adj) MDu brac]

  brag n.自夸,吹牛,自夸的东西 [orig. adj., = spirited, boastful: orig. unkn.]

  braggart n.吹牛;吹牛的 [ bragard braguer BRAG自夸,夸耀,吹嘘(of, about)]

  brake n.煞车器;丛林;煞车 [perh shortened BRACKEN, -en being taken as a plending]

  bramble n.荆棘 [ br'mbel(earlier br'mel): BROOM 扫帚(植物)金雀花]

  brand n.品种;商标;烙印

  brandish v.挥 [brandir ult, rel to BRAND("火焰")(打在商品上或牲畜身上的)烙印;商标]

  brash a.性急的;仓促的;无礼的 [brashy 易碎的;脆弱的 ~ material 易碎的材质]

  brat n.小鬼;小家伙 [a spoiled ~ 调皮捣蛋的小鬼;小坏蛋]

  bravado n.作威;虚张的勇气 [ bravata BRAVE, -ADO ado 骚扰;费力,麻烦;骚动;困难]

  bravo int.n.好极!暴徒;刺客

  bravura n.勇敢尝试;华美演奏 [(与 bravery 对应的意大利语)]

  braw a.衣饰华美的;美好的 [var. of brawf BRAVE]

  brawl v.争吵 [rel to BRAY 驴的叫声,似驴叫的声音 喧哗 捣碎,擂碎,把捣成粉]

  brawny a.肌肉结实的;强壮的 [brawn 肌肉;肌力,膂力,体力;人力,劳力]

  braze v.用黄铜制;做黄铜色 [ br'sen br's BRASS]

  brazen a.无耻的 [ad.厚着脸皮地]

  brazier n.火盆 [ME prob BRASS + -IER, after glass, glazier]

  breach n.破裂;违反法纪 [breche]

  breeze n.微风

  brevity n.简洁 [ brevete, brievete bref BRIEF]

  brew v.酿造;图谋 [ breowan ]

  bribe n.贿赂;收买 [briber, brimber beg]

  bridle n.v.缰绳;拘束;抑制;昂首 [ bridel unbridled激烈的;不受约束的]

  brigade n.旅;队;编成旅;分类 [brigata company brigare be busy with briga strife; a fire ~ 消防队]

  brigand n.强盗 [ brigante brigare: BRIGADE(军)旅(军队式组织之)团体,队,组]

  brilliant a.灿烂的;显赫的;有才气的 [ brillant part of briller shine It brillare]

  brim n.(杯、碗的)边 [ brimme brimful盈满的]

  brindled a.有斑纹的 [earlier brinded, brended brend, perh of Scand orig]

  brink n.边缘(峭壁等的);水际

  brisk a.活泼的 [prob brusque BRUSQUE<态度、言词,人>莽撞的,粗率的,无礼的,唐突的 =BRUSK]

  bristle v.竖立毛发;发怒 [ bristel, brestel byrst]

  brittle a.脆的 [brittle star 阳遂足 (属棘皮动物,类似海盘车;亦称serpent star)]

  broach v.钻孔使流出;初次提出 [ broche(n), brocher(v) brocc(h)us projecting]

  brocade n.织锦 [ Port brocado It broccato brocco twisted thread]

  brochure n.小册子 [ lit 'stitching', brocher stitch]

  broil v.烧;曝晒;争吵 [obs broil to muddle: cf EMBROIL 使事态混乱]

  broker n.经纪人;股票经纪人 [a ~ house 证券公司 ("给葡萄酒桶开口的人")]

  bromide n.嗅化物;平凡人;陈腔滥调

  bronchitis n.支气管炎

  bronze n.a.青铜;青铜制品;青铜色 [ bronzo, prob. birinj copper]

  brooch n.胸针或领针 [ broche = BROACH("有突出之齿的")扩孔锥;螺旋钻;谈起,提起,提议;钻孔于<桶等>]

  brood n.v.窝;孵;沉思

  brook n.容忍;小河

  browbeat v.恫吓;威吓 [(brow + beat) ~ a person into working 威吓某人工作 ~ a person out of going alone 吓阻某人单独去]

  browse n.嫩叶;放牧;浏览书本 [(n)earlier brouse brost young shoot, broster]

  bruise v.打伤 [ brysan crush, reinforced by bruser, bruisier break]

  bruit v.传布;散布(谣言等) [noise bruire roar (对)咆哮,大叫;大笑(at)]

  brunch n.早午餐 [BR(EAKFAST) + (L)UNCH]

  brusque a.唐突的;粗率的 [It brusco sour =BRUSK]

  brutal a.野蛮的 [brutal or medL brutalis brutus BRUTE brutality残忍,野蛮的行为 brute畜生;残暴的人;粗暴的]

  brute n.畜生;残暴的人 [ brutus stupid]

  bubble n.泡沫

  buckle n.v.扣子;弯曲;扣住 [ boucle buccula cheek-strap of a helmet

  cheek: v[ boucler bulge("袋")鼓起,凸] []

  bucolic a.乡村的;牧人的 [bucolicus boukolikos boukolos herdsman bous ]

  bud n.芽;花蕾,未发育的东西

  buddy n.同伴;伙伴;弟兄 [perh. corrupt. of brother, or var. of BUTTY]

  budget n.预算;预算案;营运费 [ pouch, bougette dimin. of bouge leather bag]

  bulga[ (f. Gaulish) knapsack: BULGE]

  buffalo n.水牛;美国野牛 [prob. Port. bufalo bufalus bubalus boubalos antelope, wild =bison]

  buffer n.缓冲器;减弱冲突的人 [18th prob. formed as BUFFER or with the sense stutterer']

  buffet n.v.冷餐;殴打;冲击;搏斗

  buffoon n.丑角;滑稽剧演员 [ bouffon buffone med buffo clown Rmc]

  buffoonery n.滑稽 [ bouffon It buffone medL buffo clown Rmc buffoon 丑角,滑稽剧演员]

  bug n.昆虫;故障;装置防犯铃 [buggy 多虫的;马车 (虫)amoeba 阿米巴,变形虫 aphis 芽虫,獐螂 beetle

  甲虫;木槌;杵;v.凸出 bot [蝇的幼虫;马的肤病之一种 cantharides 斑螫;斑螫干燥制剂]

  bugaboo n.鬼怪 [prob of dial orig: Welsh bwcibo the Devil, bwci hobgoblin 调皮的小鬼 (小妖精) 鬼怪]

  bugle n.喇叭

  bulb n.球茎;灯泡 [ bulbus bolbos onion bulbous 球根的;球根状的]

  bulge n.桶腰凸出部份;膨胀 [ boulge, bouge bulga: BUDGET]

  bulk n.大小;容积;船舱 [sense 'cargo'OIcel sense 'mass' etc perh alt obs bouk(BUCK)]

  bullion n.金块;银块 [mint, var of OF bouillon bullire boil]

  bullshit n.胡说 [BULL + SHIT]

  bully n.恶霸;流氓;罐头牛肉 [ bouilli boiled beef bouillir BOIL bullyboy 暴徒,保镳;政治流氓]

  bullyrag v.恐吓,欺凌

  bulwark n.堡垒;防御 [ MDu bolwerk: BOLE树干(trunk), WORK]

  bum n.游荡者;懒鬼[prob abbr or back-form BUMMER 讨厌之事 (状况) ;失望;失败(吸毒等)非常不愉快的经历 (事件, 面)]

  bumpkin 乡下人,乡巴佬,土包子;粗鲁的人

  bumble v.说话含糊 [partly bumble = blunderer饭桶,冒失鬼]

  bumblebee n.大黄蜂

  bummer n.无赖;游民;游荡者 [19th c.: perh. Bummler]

  bumper n.缓冲挡;满杯;丰收;客满

  bumpkin n.土包子;乡下人 [perh Du boomken little tree or MDu bommekijn little barrel]

  bumptious a.傲慢的;唐突的 [BUMP 冲突;扑通;隆起部分, after FRACTIOUS 易怒的;乖僻的;难驾驭的]

  bumpy a.坑洼不平的;崎岖的 [a ~ road 崎岖不平的路 have a ~ ride 乘车颠簸而行]

  bun n.面包;卷发;兔;栗鼠

  bungle v.n.拙劣地工作;失败 [imit.: BUMBLE]

  buoy n.浮标;救生圈; 支持;浮上 [ bo(e)ye, boia collar boeiai

  ox-hides buoyancy 浮力;乐观的气质;(行情)上涨] [buoyant易浮的;快乐的]

  buoyant a.能浮的,有浮力;轻快的 [ buoyant or Sp. boyante part. of boyar float boya BUOY]

  bureaucracy n.官僚政治 [ bureaucratie: BUREAU(美)(政府机关的)局((英)department)]

  burgeon v.突然成长;萌芽 [ bor-, burjon burra wool]

  burglar n.夜贼;夜盗 [legal AF burgler, rel. to burgier pillage. ~ alarm防盗警报器]

  burial n.埋葬;葬礼[ erron. formed as sing. of byrgels : rel. to BURY. ~ ground 埋葬地,墓地。 ~ service 葬礼 [式]

  burlesque v.用文字、图画模仿以讽喻 [ burlesco burla mockery笑柄;虚假;赝品;模仿]

  burly a.结实的;粗壮的;率直的 [ borli prob an form = 'fit for the bower'(BOWER)]

  burnish v.光辉;光泽 [ burnir = brunir brun BROWN]

  burrow n.v.洞穴;潜伏;探索 [ app var of BOROUGH( "有城堡的地方 (城镇)")(从前的)自治市镇]

  bushed a.被草丛笼罩的;疲倦的

  buskin n.悲剧演员的短统靴;悲剧 [prob. bouzequin, var. of bro(u)sequin]

  buss n.v.接吻 [earlier bass (n. & v.): baiser basiare]

  bust n.半身像 [orig a(dial)pronunc of BURST<炸弹等>爆炸;<水泡、栗子等>爆裂]

  bustle v.到处乱跑;喧躁;催促

  buttress n.拱壁;支持物[(ars)bouterez thrusting(arch) bouteret

  BUTT连接两端;接界;残余部分;靶;嘲笑对象;以 头撞,以角抵,顶

  buxom a.活泼的 [earlier sense pliant: stem of bugan BOW+-SOME]

  buzz v.n.嗡嗡声;蜂鸣

  bye a.n.附属的;偶然的;秘密的 [ as noun]

  bypass v.省略

  byre n.牛房 [ byre: perh rel to BOWER]

  byte n.(电脑)字节(八bit组成) [20th c.: perh. based on BIT and BITE]

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