As mistakes go, it was a pricey one. A so-called fat finger trading error at a large Chinese brokerage was reportedly behind wild swings on the country's stock market on Friday.
China's main stock index was up as much at 5.6% at one stage and trading volumes were up more than 50% on the day before as 1.5 bn shares changed hands. The buying frenzy appears to have been triggered by China Everbright Securities sending through billions of incorrect purchase orders for shares. The brokerage's own shares were soon suspended, 随着当日成交金额达到15亿元,中国证券综合指数一步飙升了5.6%,交易量也比前一交易日多了50%。这一疯狂异动据称是由光大证券公司的“乌龙指”敲出来的。当日,光大证券错误地向股市发出了一笔金额高达数十亿的订购单,导致其自有股票迅速停牌。
China's securities regulator said it was looking into the volatility and by the end of play the morning's spectacular rally had been undone by equally dramatic plunges in share prices. That left the Shanghai Composite Index down 0.6% on the day.
文中的fat finger就是“乌龙指”的意思,是指股票交易员、操盘手、股民等在交易时,不小心敲错价格、数量或买卖方向等,也可以拼写作fat-finger。
文中还可以看到一些与股市相关的英语词汇,如brokerage 经纪公司,stock market 股市、股票交易所(证券交易所),main stock index 证券综合指数,trading volumes 交易量,securities regulator 证监会,rally 股价止跌回升和Shanghai Composite Index 上证指数。另外,股市中的牛市,英文是bull market;而对应的熊市,英文就是bear market。