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托福词汇介绍之blind date

2014-02-08 15:51     作者 :    


1. blind date
A blind date 指的是由相熟的人或者婚介所安排的男女间的初次约会,而不是盲目约会的意思。A blind date is a date where the people involved have not met each other previously. The match could have been arranged by mutual friends or by a dating system.
除了媒人或者婚介所介绍的约会可以称之为blind date之外,和网上认识的异性约会,也可以叫做blind date。Blind dates are becoming more commonplace following the rise of the Internet, when people who have met in chatrooms, Instant Messaging or forums finally agree to meet in person. Afterwards, they go to a place where they can have time to talk and get to know one another. This type of date may not be considered 'blind' by everyone however, since the people have already communicated with each other.
约会导师建议blind date的约会地点为:a botanical garden, art gallery, park, promenade or an open-air concert,因为这些地方便于交流,并且容易找到话题去避免无话可说的尴尬,而饭馆的环境略显嘈杂,不要选为次约会的见面场所。
此外,"BLIND DATE"还是一档风靡英国的电视速配节目——素未谋面男女经电视台安排所作的约会,电视记录其过程。电视台做为媒人的角色出现,成为陌生男女之间初次约会的桥梁。在美国,"BLIND DATE"的同名节目同样大受欢迎。一对对互不相识的男女约会被拍摄下来,然后双方各自谈论对另一方的感受。
好莱坞明星布鲁斯威利斯 Bruce willis还曾经主演过一部名为《BLIND DATE》的喜剧电影。这部电影上映后颇受欢迎,布鲁斯威利也从一个知名的电视明星成为小有名气的电影演员。
-- I have a blind date tonight. Idon't know what to wear, can you help me?
-- Sure,I can help you with that. But, are you sure about the blind date?
以上就是新航道托福频道为大家整理的托福词汇介绍之blind date,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道托福词汇频道 http://www.xhd.cn/toefl/cihui/


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