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托福词汇TOP100 你认识多少(一)

2012-04-18 14:27     作者 :    


以下是托福考试(Test of English as Foreign Language) 排名前Top 100Words,看看自己能非常熟练认出多少单词。

1. abyss hole so deep as to appear bottomless
2. acquiesce agree, accept without protest
3. affable polite and friendly, easy to talk to
4. affliction distress, suffering
5. affluent wealthy, abundant
6. agitate move, shake, stir up
7. ambiguousshavingsmore then one meaning
8. annex take possession of
9. aqueous of or like water
10. arduous demanding great effort, strenuous
11. aroma quality or surrounding atmosphere considered typical
12. atone make repayment
13. avarice greed
14. bellicose inclined to fighting
15. calisthenics exercises to develop strong bodies
16. captor person who takes smb captive
17. concoct invent, prepare by mixing together
18. dangle hand or swing loosely
19. deprive take away from, prevent from using
20. diligent hard-working21. disrobe undress
22. docile easily trained or controlled
23. doleful dismal, mourful
24. drought a long period of dry weather
25. dubious feeling doubt

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