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2012-11-14 00:00     作者 :    




  群众大会 Mass meeting

  大会 Assembly

  全国代表大会(美) Convention (USA)

  大会 General meeting

  会议,大会 Conference

  外交代表会议 Diplomatic conference

  区域会议 Regional conference

  大会、国会(美) Congress

  执行机构 Governing body

  理事院,行政院 Governing Body

  理事会 Board of governors

  干事会,理事会 Board of directors

  执行委员会,执行局 (Executive) council or board

  理事会,董事会 Board of trustees

  委员会 Committee

  委员会(指比较大型有固定性的) Commission

  小组委员会 Sub-committee

  总务委员会(联合国) General committee

  大会将作为全体委员会开会 The Assembly will sit as a committee of the

  (不另设部务委员会) whole, as a general committee

  代表团团长委员会 Committee of heads of delegations

  提案处理委员会 Selection committee

  提名委员会 Nominations committee

  指导委员会 Steering committee

  调查委员会 Committee of enquiry

  法律(问题)委员会 Committee of legal (juridical) questions

  财务委员会 Finance committee

  预算委员会 Budget committee

  (财务)审核委员会 Auditing committee

  议事规则(内部条例)委员会 Standing Orders committee, Rules committee(USA)

  资格审查委员会 Credentials committee

  决议委员会 Resolutions committee

  起草委员会 Drafting committee

  接待委员会 Hospitality committee Reception committee

  女宾委员会 Ladies’ committee

  导师委员会 Committee of experts

  联络委员会 Liaison committee

  工作人员委员会,职员委员会 Staff committee

  协调委员会 Coordination committee

  圆桌会议 Round table meeting

  导师小组会议 Panel meeting

  座谈会,学术报告会 Symposium

  研究小组,讨论会 Study group, Seminar(USA)

  讨论小组 Discussion group, colloquium

  研究小组 Study group

  工作组 Working party

  仲裁法庭 Arbitration Tribunal, Court of Arbitration

  法庭,法院 Court (of justice)

  开会 To meet, to sit, to hold a meeting

  定期开会 To meet periodically

  每隔一定时间开会 To meet at regular intervals

  休会期间 Between sessions

  与别的会议重叠 Overlapping with other meetings

  设立一个委员会 To set up, to establish a committee

  指派一个委员会 To appoint a committee

  将…委托给一个委员会,把一个任务 To entrust a committee with (to assign a task

  交给一个委员会 to) assign a task to) a committee

  大会全体会议 Plenary assembly

  大会 General assembly

  一次会议 Sitting(UK), meeting(UK), session(USA)

  一届会议 Session(UK), meeting(USA)

  公开会议 Public meeting

  秘密会议 Private meeting

  行政性会议(秘密会议) Meeting in camera, executive session(USA)

  正式会议 Official meeting

  非正式会议 Unofficial meeting

  预备会议 Preparatory meeting

  开幕(式)会 Opening sitting

  闭幕(式)会 Final sitting

  咨询(顾问)委员会 Advisory committee, consultative committee

  联合委员会 Joint committee

  混合委员会 Mixed committee

  联合委员会(根据对等原则组成) Joint committee

  主要委员会 Main committee

  常设机构 Standing body

  决策机构 Policy-making body

  母体机构,上级机构 Parent body

  机构 Superior body

  附属机构 Subsidiary body

  辅助机构 Auxiliary body

  下属机构 Subordinate body

  主管机构 Appropriate body

  临时委员会 Interim committee

  筹备委员会 Preparatory committee

  组织委员会 Organizing committee

  专门委员会 Special committee

  特设委员会(暂设的),特别委员会 Ad hoc committee

  调查机构 Fact finding organ

  布置新闻发布的会议 Briefing meeting

  有关组织 Related organization


  1. 邀请和召集 1. Invitations and Convocations

  发出邀请参加会议的信件(邀请信) To address (to send, to send out)a (letter or)

  convocation (an invitation)

  邀请派遣代表 To invite to be represented

  召开(紧急地) To convene, to summon, to convoke, to call


  召开非常(特别)会议 To convene in extraordinary (special) session

  表示收到召开会议的函件 To acknowledge the receipt of a letter of


  同意派遣代表 To accept to be represented

  向大会报到 To register at the congress

  有条件的接受 Conditional acceptance

  委派…为代表(观察员) To appoint as delegate (observer)

  被指派为代表 To be appointed (designated)

  奉命代表… To be instructed to represent…

  派遣一个重要的代表团 To send an important delegation

  随带导师 To bring (along*) experts

  只同意(接受)以观察员身份参加 To agree (accept) to attend only as (in the

  capacity of) observer

  本届会议(开始时,终了时)被替换(指代表) To be replaced for (at the beginning, the end

  of) the session

  …不能参加… … is unable to take part in (to attend to…)…

  拒绝参加会议 To refuse (to decline) to take part in a


  2. 会议进行的条件 2. Conditions under which the Meeting is held

  邀请委员会在(某地)…召开下届会议 The committee is invited to hold its next

  session at …

  委员会接受…政府的邀请 The committee accepts the invitation of the …


  下届会议的日期和地点将由负责人员 The date and place of the next session will

  (局)同秘书处商洽决定 be fixed by the Officers (the Bureau) in

  consultation with the Secretariat

  东道国 Host country

  邀请国 Inviting country

  动议(提议)本届会议休会(延期) To mover (propose) the adjournment (the

  postponement) of the session

  动议(提议)无限期休会 To move (propose) the adjournment tine die

  请求增加委员会的成员 To request an increase in the membership of

  the committee

  确定委员会的权限(规定委员会的职权范围) To define the competence (to specify the terms of reference) of the committee

  草拟工作日程 To draw up the programme of work

  最晚在…(时间)以前将文件交到秘书处 Documents must reach the Secretariat (be

  (发给各代表团) available to Delegations) at the latest on the …

  提交(议案)的最晚的日期(期限) The latest date (dead line) for the submission of …

  事前应有充分时间以便… In sufficient time in advance so that …

  在这个组织的总部 At the seat (the headquarters) of the organization

  正式开幕式 Formal opening sitting

  正式语言 Official languages

  工作语言 Working languages

  凡用他种语言的代表须自备翻译人员把 Delegates speaking other languages shall be

  他们的发言译成任何一种工作语言 required to supply their own interpreters for the translation or their speeches into one of the working languages

  3. 聘用职员和雇员 3. Recruitment of Staff-Contracts

  委派…领导秘书处 To put … in charge of the secretariat

  组织秘书处 To organize the secretariat

  招聘临时工作人员 To recruit temporary staff

  招聘会议期间的工作人员 To recruit staff for the duration of the


  雇用当地工作人员 To engage local staff

  就地雇用工作人员 To engage staff on the spot

  解雇或裁减工作人员 To second staff

  聘任的待遇和条件 Terms and conditions of appointment

  临时合同 Temporary contract

  通常工作日 Normal working day

  加班 Overtime

  包括星期日、例假日和旅程所需时日 Including Sundays, official holidays, and

  travelling day

  一直到本届会议的 Until the last day of the session inclusively


  一切费用可以报销 All expenses paid

  一切包括在内 All-inclusive

  按照一次总付的办法 On a lump sum basis

  (费用)由会议负担 At the expense of the conference

  按日(每天) Per diem

  生活津贴 Subsistence allowance

  住房津贴 Accommodation allowance

  偿付旅费 Refunding of travel expenses

  免付会议所在地国家的所得税 Free of income tax in the country in which the

  conference is held

  薪金预支 Advance on salary

  以当地货币支付 In local currency

  保留解除合同的权利 To reserve the right to terminate the contract

  解除合同时的补偿费 Compensation for termination of contract


  1. 基本文件 1.Basic Documents

  宪法,宪章,规章,组织法 Constitution

  组织法,组织条例 Constituent act

  决议,总结文件 Final act

  宪章 Charter

  盟约,公约,约章 Covenant

  条约 Treaty

  章程,组织法 Statutes, constitution

  公约 Convention

  宣言 Declaration

  附加议定书 Additional protocol

  协定(双边,多边) Agreement (bilateral, multilateral)

  议定书 Protocol

  法典,准则 Code

  规则,法规 Rules

  议事规则,内部条例 Rules of procedure, internal regulations

  暂定条例 Provisional regulations

  人事条例 Staff regulations

  财务条例 Financial regulations

  职权范围 Terms of reference

  文件,凭证,状,书 Instrument

  2. 议程,决议,日程等 2. Agenda, Resolutions, Programmes, etc.

  临时议程 Provisional agenda

  ()审定(通过)的议程 Approved agenda

  见于议程 To appear on the agenda

  列入议程 To include in the agenda

  议程项目 Item on the agenda

  其他事项 (Any) other business

  工作日程 Programme of work

  会议日程表 Daily programme of meetings (sittings)

  时间表,日程表 Time-table, schedule

  决议,提案 Resolution

  (联合)决议草案 Draft (joint) resolution

  草案初稿 First draft, preliminary draft

  其他供选择的(反)建议 Alternative (counter-) proposal

  建议 Recommendation

  仲裁书 Award

  3. 报告,备忘录等 3. Reports, Memoranda, etc.

  (总结)报告 Final report

  初步报告 Preliminary report

  临时报告 Provisional report

  临时报告 Interim report

  总、月度、季度、半年、年度报告 General, monthly, quarterly, six-monthly,

  annual report

  多数(少数)报告 Majority, minority report

  行政工作报告 Administrative report

  财务报告 Financial report

  关于工作活动的报告 Report on the management, the activity

  情况报告 Information report

  事实报告 Factual report

  导师报告 Expert report

  工作进展情况报告 Progress report

  附加的文字 Addition

  附加条款,附款 Rider

  附件 Appended documents

  表 Table

  一览表 Synoptic table

  图式,(大张)图表,图解 Diagram, Chart, Graph

  统计 Statistics

  在报告中说明、提到,列入报告之中 To state, to mention, to include in a report

  备忘录 Memorandum

  备忘录 Aide-mémoire

  工作文件 Working paper

  照会,函 Note

  概况 Survey

  声明,发言 Statement

  摘要 Abstract

  参考意见(咨询意见) Advisory opinion

  意见,评论 Comment, commentary

  将文件编号 To give a reference number to a document

  文件分类 Classification of documents

  机密文件 Confidential document

  私人文件 Private document

  档案 Archives

  4. 会议记录,公报,新闻稿,记录 4. Minuses, Bulletins, Press releases, Records

  做记录 To keep, to draw up the minutes

  截(列)入记录,记录在案 To place on record in the minutes

  经证明无误的抄本 Certified true copy

  (每日)公报 (Daily) Bulletin

  会议的正式会刊 Official Journal of the Conference

  会议的正式记录 Official records of the Conference

  新闻稿,公报 Press release, communiqué

  通知,通函 Circular letter

  通函(通知)各代表团 To circularize delegations

  记录 Record

  摘要记录(纪要) Summary record

  逐字记录 Verbatim record

  5. 代表名单等 5. List of Delegates, etc.

  发言人名单 List of speakers

  分发出席名单 To circulate an attendance list

  拟具、确定、并列名单 To draw up, to fix, to establish a list

  房间分配图 Plan of the premises showing the allocation of rooms

  6. 文件的章节细目 6. Subdivision of a Document

  、二、…册(编、卷) Book I, II, etc.

  章 Chapter

  节 Section

  条 Article, section

  段 Sub-section, paragraph

  款 Sub-paragraph

  项 Sub-subparagraph

  小节 Sub-section, sub-heading

  分述,分列 Breakdown

  序言 Preamble

  动机说明 Motivation

  (序言中)叙述理由部分 Whereases, Recitals

  实效部分,实质条款 Operative part, substantive provisions

  脚注 Foot-note

  边注 Marginal note

  交叉索引 Cross-reference

  标题 Heading

  小标题,副标题 Sub-heading

  附录,附表,附件 Appendix, schedule, exhibit

  附件 Annex

  表格 Form

  调查表,问题单 Questionnaire

  抄本 Copy

  原本 Blue-print, master-copy

  副本 Duplicate

  清稿 Fair copy

  倒数第二 Penultimate, last but one

  倒数第三 Antepenultimate, last but two

  倒数三行 3 lines from the bottom

  正面 Obverse, from side of the page

  反面 Overleaf, back side of the page

  编号 Reference number

  顺序编号 Serial number

  约束性条款 Mandatory provision

  任选条款(非约束性条款) Permissive provision

  条文范例 Standard clause

  免费条款 Escape clause

  7. 修正案,补遗,勘误 7. Amendments, Addenda, Corrigenda

  修正案 Amendment

  对修正案的修正案 Amendment to an amendment

  相应修正案 Consequential amendment

  改动 Alteration

  增加,增加的部分 Addition

  插进,插文 Insertion

  删除,删文 Deletion

  补遗 Addendum, addenda

  改正笔误 To correct a clerical mistake

  勘误表 Corrigendum, corrigenda

  订正 To rectify

  订正 Rectification

  补充 To supplement

  8. 草拟,复制,分发 8. Preparation, Duplication, and Distribution

  草拟、起草文件、备忘录等 To prepare, draw up, draft a document, a memorandum, etc.

  审议、研究、审查、仔细研究文件 To consider, study, inspect scrutinize a document

  使几种文本取得一致 To secure conformity between the texts

  修改报告使它符合于目前情况 To bring a report up-to-date

  一篇草拟得很好的稿子 A piece of good draftsmanship

  全部或部分复制 To reproduce in full or in part

  复制,打印 Reproduction, duplication

  原文 Original text

  校样,长条校样 Proofs, galley proofs

  有限制分发,普遍分发 Restricted, general distribution

  保证文件的分发 To ensure the distribution of documents

  9. 国际约章 9. The International Instrument

  缔约国,缔约各方 The contracting parties

  为参加公约的一员 To be a party to a Convention

  公约签字国 Signatory to a Convention

  草签 To initial

  立法行为 Legislative action

  规则(条例,规章) Regulations

  条款的范围 Scope of a provision

  加入公约 To adhere to, to accede to a Convention

  加入(公约) Accession

  批准公约 To ratify a Convention

  有(无)保留 With (without) reservations

  接受书 Instrument of acceptance

  交存批准书 To deposit the instrument of ratification

  本(公约)继续开放,一切国家均可签字 The … remains open to all States for

  和表示接受 signature and acceptance

  将条约登记 To register a Treaty

  将正本送存档案库 To deposit the authentic text in the archives

  开始生效 To come into force, into operation

  适用、实施某一公约 To apply, to put into effect a Convention

  实施公约的规定 To implement the provisions of a Convention

  公约原定有效期间 Initial term (of a Convention)

  违反规定 To infringe the provisions

  违反行为 Infringement


  1. 参加者 1. Participants

  代表团团长 Head (leader) of delegation

  (首席)代表 (Chief) delegate

  全权代表 Plenipotentiary

  常任代表,常驻代表 Permanent delegate

  会员(国) Member

  当然会员 Member as of right

  代表 Representative

  终身会员 Life-member

  全权会员,正式会员 Full-fledged member

  有表决权 With a right to vote

  无表决权 Without a right to vote

  互选的会员 Co-opted member

  副代表,代表人员 Alternate, deputy, substitute

  (法律)顾问 (Legal) adviser

  技术顾问 Technical adviser

  导师 Expert

  代表团导师 Expert attached to a delegation

  观察员 Observer

  审计员 Auditor

  地位 Status

  以官方身分 In an official capacity

  以非官方身分 In an unofficial capacity

  以私人身分 In a private capacity

  以顾问身分 In an advisory capacity, as a consultant

  当然(委员等等) Ex officio

  正式被指派,正式受权 Duly authorized

  出席,到会 To attend

  出席,到会 Attendance

  会籍(会员资格) Membership (status of member)

  会议的组成 Composition of the Conference

  缺席人员 Absentee

  代表 To represent

  代表权,代表 Representation

  担任职务 To occupy a post

  担任… To act as …

  同等数目的代表 Balanced representation

  按比例代表 Proportional representation

  按地域分配 Geographical distribution

  三方面(制) Tri-partite

  三,四,五国 3, 4, 5, Power …

  在(理事会)中担任理事 To serve on (a Board)

  参加某委员会为委员 To sit on a Committee

  代表证书 Credentials

  全权证书 (Full) powers

  指示,命令 Instructions

  豁免 Immunities

  特权 Prerogatives

  优惠 Privileges

  享受优惠 To enjoy privileges

  特派新闻记者 Accredited journalist

  2. 主持人 2. Officers

  赞助人,各誉委员会 Patrons, Committee of Honor

  会议的主持人,主席团人员 Officers of the Conference, Bureau

  职务 Office

  负责人员 Holder of an office

  名誉主席(会长) Honorary President

  年序最长的会员、委员 The Senior Member

  资格最老的会员 The Oldest Member

  会长,主席 President, Chairman

  会长(职),主席(职) Presidency, Chairmanship

  主席(女) Madam Chairman

  主席(在会场称呼用) The Chair

  临时主席 Interim Chairman

  副会长,副主席 Vice-President, Vice-Chairmanship

  副会长(职),副主席(职) Vice-Presidency, Vice-Chairmanship

  报告人 Rapporteur

  任期 Term, term of office

  在职 To be in office

  连任 Renewal of term of office

  轮流担任 Rotation in office

  卸任(主席等…) Retiring, outgoing (Chairman, etc…)

  前任(主席等) Past (US), former (GB) (Chairman, etc.)


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