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2014-03-19 11:10     作者 : 李晓璐    


  托福口语考试Task1 中地点类(Places) 的考察方式相对简单, 可以概括成两大类: 描述类和建议类。而近年来ETS 明显偏向于建议题,从2013 年来看,大陆考场中地点题出现频率并不高, 但凡考均为建议题。地点类建议题如何破呢?我们以2013 年12 月1 日的题为例解析:

  If a foreign tourist visits your city, where would you take him to? A factory, a university, or a museum? Please include specific reasons and details in your response.

  此题题干中已经给出三个选项,无需我们凭空想Topic,这无疑是三选一题型的一大优势。迅速选定一个选项之后,马上Brainstorm 支持此Topic 的原因,千万不要纠结于哪个选项比较好答,无论哪个选项均好答,只要运用我接下来介绍的方法。

  无论选择哪个选项,首先把这个地点与your city 联系起来,显然你带这个外国友人去的地方要有旅游的价值?什么样的地方具有旅游价值呢?历史?传统文化?民俗风情? In all, 我们去某城市旅游无非是为了了解这个城市, 因此一个tourist 显然是想去能最能代表一个城市的地方。 如果我选定museum, my first reason can go like this: the local museum can best represent my city, since it is a world-renown historical city. 同理,the XX university can best represent my city, since it is the oldest university in China. 就连最难搞的factory, 也可如法炮制:the local XXX factory can best represent my city, since it is a famous industrious city in China.

  另外一个思路是multi-purpose. Well, the XXX factory/university/museum is definitely more than just a factory/university/museum. It has a nice food court, coffee house and some exquisite gift shops, allowing us to spend a whole day there, eating, relaxing and doing souvenir shopping.

  Now, 地点题,so easy, right?

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