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2023-10-31 11:52     作者 :    







  Task 1 重复2022家考 Your university currently requires all students to take one humanities course in a subject such as literature or philosophy in order to graduate.However, some students majoring in subjects such as math and science think that these humanities courses are not relevant to their field of study and they should therefore not be required to take them.Do you agree with these students? Explain why or why not.

  Task 2 不完全同意学生建议proposal summer campus rent,把学校宿舍租给young traveler,听力不完全同意:1设施不够好,需要额外的设备等等2、年轻的旅行者可以向学生咨询建议,哪里好玩;年轻人懂年轻人。

  Task 3 重复多次vegetative propagation,新植物从母植物的一部分(通常是茎、根或者其他结构)生长出来,举例草莓strawberry可以从parent plant身上拿下来长新的草莓苗,匍匐茎runners

  Task 4cooperative learning(合作学习,通过促进学生之间的合作和互动来增强学习效果)面临两个挑战,lecture给了两个应对的办法,一个是supportive class,扮演支持角色鼓励;另一个是每个人都读一段然后share mainpoint,确保学生需要倾听他人并合作


  综合写作 重复2023.7.26

  阅读:control invasive kudzu葛根的三种方法


  1. 除掉他们的crow

  n2. 放goats去吃掉他们

  3. 用fungi真菌去消灭他们


  1. kudzu的crown很深,根不易除去,还会再生长

  2. goats一离开就会再次生长3.fungi无法大量繁殖,且也会影响到除了kudzu的其他植物

  学术讨论 重复2023.7.26Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a post responding to the professor's question.In your response, you should do the following.Express and support your opinion.Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

  Doctor Achebe:

  Let's continue talking about consumer behavior. We have been discussing different ways people go about choosing what products to buy, and there are many potential sources of information and advice for consumers. In your opinion, which is the better strategy for making purchasing decisions, relying on advice from friends and family, or depending on information from online sources? Why?


  Asking friends and family members for product recommendations might seem like an easier option, but it might take too much time to get all the information you need. An internet search would be much more efficient. There are many consumer magazines available online that compile lots of data to compare the advantages and disadvantages of one product versus another.


  The last time I bought a computer, I just watched a few videos online to make a decision, and now I regret that. My friends could have advised me better because they know my preferences and the kind of features that I am interested in. Consumers should get advice from the people around them to find the most suitable products.



  Paul: 说他根据网络上的信息买了东西以后发现不适合,家人朋友更了解他所以听家人朋友的更好。

上一篇: 2023.11.4托福考情 下一篇: 10.18日托福考情

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