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2023-11-14 13:24     作者 :    

阅读量: 31

  1、阅 读 部 分

  1. 洞穴壁画2. 印加帝的多种统治方式3. “棉材树”(Merbau)以及两种不同的伐木方法,一种是全面砍伐,另一种选择性砍伐

  2、听 力 部 分

  Conversation1. 学生要写的论文涉及探究某种因果关系。教授提到上学期许多学生写了关于鸟是从恐龙进化而来的论题,这是一个大家都熟知的常见观点。他鼓励学生寻找新颖或独特的思路来构建论文2. 学生遇到问题,去找他的导师,导师提出了一个参与观察鸟类的项目。学生说他没有车过去,导师说学校会提供车。

  Lecture1. F. Scott Fitzgerald的两部代表作,《了不起的盖茨比》(The Great Gatsby)和《冬季梦》(Winter Dreams)2. 生物钟(biological clock)和光照对生物节律的影响

  3、口 语 部 分

  Task1Your university requires that you take a history course, and you have two options that fit your schedule. The first course is taught by a professor who is well-known for being a good lecturer and includes little to no class discussion. The second course is led by a professor who rarely lectures and instead encourages students to contribute to class discussions. Which course would you choose to fulfill your history requirement and why? Use details and examples to explain your opinion.

  Task2阅读:夏季体育项目是一个由大学提供的夏季活动小学生可以在早上来校园学习和参与各种体育活动。1. 为年轻学生提供体育教育和锻炼的机会。2. 通过额外的费用来改善学校的体育设施。听力:同意1. 将帮助学生运动员获得实际的教练经验。2. 这笔额外的资金也会对学校有所帮助。

  Task3principle of allocation "分配原则"是指动物在满足各种生存需求时会在不同需求上分配时间和精力。动物必须寻找食物、保护自己免受捕食者的威胁,以及繁殖后代。例子:以象海豹(elephant seal)为例,象海豹生活的地方有很多食物资源,因此它们相对容易获得食物,不需要在寻找食物上花费太多时间和精力。然而,繁殖后代对象海豹来说相对困难,因为它们需要找到适合繁殖的地点,并竞争占领这些领地,同时保卫这些领地不被其他象海豹夺走。这需要花费大量的时间和精力。因此,象海豹在繁殖方面花费更多的时间和精力,而在寻找食物上花费相对较少的时间。

  Task4考古学家寻找考古遗址的两个方法。1. 地表景观判断,使用卫星图片来探测古代人类活动的痕迹。举例,新西兰的土著居民在古代修建了许多台阶,这些台阶位于山顶,用于防御外敌。考古学家可以通过分析这些山顶上的台阶来确定这个地区曾经有人类居住。

  2. 特定植物判断,古代文明虽然已经消失,但某些特定的植物可能仍然存在,提供线索。例如,中美洲的土著居民在古代种植了一种特定的树,牛奶树。考古学家可以通过分析当地的植被,特别是这种特定的植物的存在来判断该地区曾经有人类居住

  4、写作 部 分

  综合写作 重复2023.4.29



  1. 沼气燃烧

  2. 矿物质放电产生火花

  3. 发光的真菌沾到了鸟身上


  1. 气体反应的火花固定在一个地方,而这种火花是移动的

  2. 矿物质产生的火花在地下,不会出现在表面

  3. 真菌发光的部分在中间,而且很难沾到鸟身上。

  学术讨论 Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a post responding to the professor's question.In your response, you should do the following.Express and support your opinion.Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

  Doctor Achebe:We've been discussing the idea that human well-being is not necessarily improved by ever-increasing production and consumption of goods and services. Some people argue that humans already consume too many goods, from clothing to electronics to food; they believe that excessive consumption has created serious problems for humanity and even the planet. Do you agree that excessive consumption--buying more than we truly need--has become a serious problem? Why or why not?

  Andrew: I absolutely agree. We buy far more than we need, and that can't continue indefinitely. For years people have used shopping as a form of recreation. The products bought on a whim are filling up landfills, and the energy expended producing the goods has created a global warming crisis. We should start gradually reducing consumption.

  Claire: I disagree with the idea that over-consumption is a dramatic problem. I agree there is some over-consumption, but it happens mostly with wealthy people. I think in general almost everyone else already buys only what they need. In fact, many people around the world are not even able to obtain everything they need.

  过度消费(over consumption)是不是很严重的问题?




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